Items Hey devs could you pls give us a bit of control over rain?


So im trying to get frost cores for meh armor right, unfortunately it hasn't rained for a good 2 hrs wait a bit more still no rain id appreciate it if u guys could add an item that would either increase rain chances or give us control over rain!
(you get frost cores from ice golems which only spawn during a blizzard which only happens during rain)
I like how you two both want the same thing (I want this to be added in as well), and your profile pictures are Kermit the Frog.
Proposition: A sky Island in each world will contain a 'Rainstick' which increases the chance for rain by 100% until it rains.
Yeah, and then a "Dry Potion" for when you don't want rain. I suppose there would be three potions: "Dry Potion", "Rain Potion", and "Flood Potion"; for no rain, light rain, and heavy rain.
I thought it would be fun and easy to make some sprites for this, so... just don't judge too hard.
The "Dry Potion", for removing rain:

The "Rain Potion", for starting light rain:

And the "Flood Potion", for starting heavy rain:

They were all based on the gender change potion, because it works out nicely and it was the only potion that changed something that you can see, excluding buffs that you can see. If you feel up to it I'd like to know what you guys think the stuff in the bottle looks like, I'd be interested to see how good of a job I did.
Hm.... How about...
"Dry Potion" crafting: Bottle, Cactus (5), Sand Block
"Rain Potion" crafting: Bottled Water, Waterleaf (5), Salmon
"Flood Potion" crafting: Bottled Water, Waterleaf (10), Trout

This isn't my thread though, and Muzu doesn't seem to be doing much with it, so I might go make my own thread using the sprites I made and the recipes.
Just stop.
This suggestion is not the place for that.
@The Eye of Horus, please report and move on. You’ve been reminded of this before. Any further instances may come with warning points.

@RR, I realize that there’s some fun going on with the Kermit profile pics, but having your post solely be about that doesn’t help this thread. If it were a side note after you’d already posted relevant content that would’ve been better. Just something to consider going forward.

If either of you have any questions, please send me a private message.
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