I believe the original question was what methods exist for beating the wall of flesh as quickly as possible.
To that question I don't have any full help I can give, but the preparation of the fight can be cut down on with use of water walking and obsidian skin potions for better mobility over the lava, you should still clear out the troublesome walls of the demon houses though. If you can spare the time to fight skeletron and gather some materials, the night's edge is a great weapon to have for the fight, so long as the top chest in your dungeon is a gold one and not a wooden one, it will always have a muramasa in it.
Going ahead with rushing hardmode does come at a risk of lacking preparation for the changes to the world, it was designed with the idea that you already have sufficient movement abilities, structures to help fight tougher opponents and even more simple things like already lit up spaces of land. I will not say that it is a bad idea to get hardmode started as quickly as possible, just that I hope you know what you are doing.