is it intended that, you can "stack" vampire knives too make them better by using the recipe? i thought the recipe was therte only to get more of them on a signle world, not too be able to "Stack" them like the light discs and have more DPS
Can you explain what is included in all the mods please?
Eater of Worlds
Maybe. I'm away from my computer for most of this week, so not this week.The teeniest and tiniest of suggestions:
Perhaps make the Cascade yoyo craftable? I've been farming for hours and have not got a single one.
Can I have a screenshot of the bug?is it intended that, you can "stack" vampire knives too make them better by using the recipe? i thought the recipe was therte only to get more of them on a signle world, not too be able to "Stack" them like the light discs and have more DPS
Maybe. I'm away from my computer for most of this week, so not this week.
Can I have a screenshot of the bug?
turns out it was a fals alarm- stacking vampire knives is no different then just using vampire knives alone.
Eater of Worlds
Ah. Good. I got worried, as I have no access to the code atmturns out it was a fals alarm- stacking vampire knives is no different then just using vampire knives alone.
Eater of Worlds
imkSushi's Mod 3.0.3 is released!
Get it now!
imkSushi's Mod: Potions Addon 1.0.4 is released!
Get it now!
I removed a bit of excess code from the potions addon.
In my main mod, I've done quite a but. I have completely redone the Mini Meteorite Loot tables, so now they should be far more balanced. Also, A Mini Meteorite that you got before you defeated the Moon Lord won't drop Luminite, Shrumite cannot come from a pre-plantera bag etc. If any of this seems unbalanced, please tell me. Also, the entry text now happens whenever you enter a world, instead of just the first time since my mod was loaded. Oh, and before I forget, Mini Meteorites can drop some coins, shadow scales/tissue samples, and very very rarely (same rarity as luminite - 1/259) some Dark Blue Solution.
And probably some other stuff.
Get it now!
imkSushi's Mod: Potions Addon 1.0.4 is released!
Get it now!
I removed a bit of excess code from the potions addon.
In my main mod, I've done quite a but. I have completely redone the Mini Meteorite Loot tables, so now they should be far more balanced. Also, A Mini Meteorite that you got before you defeated the Moon Lord won't drop Luminite, Shrumite cannot come from a pre-plantera bag etc. If any of this seems unbalanced, please tell me. Also, the entry text now happens whenever you enter a world, instead of just the first time since my mod was loaded. Oh, and before I forget, Mini Meteorites can drop some coins, shadow scales/tissue samples, and very very rarely (same rarity as luminite - 1/259) some Dark Blue Solution.
And probably some other stuff.
Le tromp du Jawa
Eye of Cthulhu
metoerites are now a missing item > why u do dis
Eater of Worlds
ah, I changed the internal name. You may want to use cheat sheet to change them to the correct items. Sorry.metoerites are now a missing item > why u do dis
Le tromp du Jawa
Eye of Cthulhu
okayah, I changed the internal name. You may want to use cheat sheet to change them to the correct items. Sorry.
Eater of Worlds
I may add in a legacy thingy tonight, if I have time.okay![]()
Making 2 items from biome chest out of 1 and a key is definitely excellent idea... But how can I split them? Right clicking doesn't work as with other items. Even more, all stacks shrink to 1 item after restarting world.
Lunatic Lobbyist
The Destroyer
Do meteorites still fall underground?
Other that that, sounds like a great update. I've noticed this mod(s) has been lagging some people's games in multiplayer (I've seen this myself as well). Hopefully cleaning up the potions addon code helps that.
Other that that, sounds like a great update. I've noticed this mod(s) has been lagging some people's games in multiplayer (I've seen this myself as well). Hopefully cleaning up the potions addon code helps that.
Eater of Worlds
Ooooooh! Good point! I'll fix that.Making 2 items from biome chest out of 1 and a key is definitely excellent idea... But how can I split them? Right clicking doesn't work as with other items. Even more, all stacks shrink to 1 item after restarting world.
Unfortunately.Do meteorites still fall underground?
Other that that, sounds like a great update. I've noticed this mod(s) has been lagging some people's games in multiplayer (I've seen this myself as well). Hopefully cleaning up the potions addon code helps that.
Also, I'll try to get some of the people from tml to help me with multiplayer, because I think I've found why MM's don't drop in MP.
imkSushi's Mod 3.0.3 is released!
Get it now!
imkSushi's Mod: Potions Addon 1.0.4 is released!
Get it now!
I removed a bit of excess code from the potions addon.
In my main mod, I've done quite a but. I have completely redone the Mini Meteorite Loot tables, so now they should be far more balanced. Also, A Mini Meteorite that you got before you defeated the Moon Lord won't drop Luminite, Shrumite cannot come from a pre-plantera bag etc. If any of this seems unbalanced, please tell me. Also, the entry text now happens whenever you enter a world, instead of just the first time since my mod was loaded. Oh, and before I forget, Mini Meteorites can drop some coins, shadow scales/tissue samples, and very very rarely (same rarity as luminite - 1/259) some Dark Blue Solution.
And probably some other stuff.
Just a thought: I thought the loot table from before was fine. It was a decision you had to make with respect to opening the meteorites. Do I wait until after I kill Moon Lord to have a chance at Luminite, or do I open them now to potentially get something I need right now?
I played an entire playthrough after you made the change to the hard mode drop rate and ended up with about 30 mini meteorites after I killed Moon Lord (including ones that had fallen underground.. if this was fixed, it would be even less, MUCH less, quite a few of the ones I got were from underground). These gave me Luminite Bars 3 times (although it sounds like this was ridiculously good luck based on the drop rate you mentioned on the Luminite).
So.. I personally don't think the change you made is necessarily for the best. For now, opening mini meteorites immediately is a no brainer, there's no point in waiting, and the mini meteories, IMO, become fairly useless until you kill Plantera (so you can get Shroomite/Spectre Bars..). I suppose there's also some value in opening pre-Plantera, but only to get Adamantite/Titanium.. and even this isn't that special.
I am perfectly willing to play an entire playthrough to test this thing out and see how it feels. I recognize the mini meteorites are a "bonus" so perhaps before they were too overpowered.
With respect to the biome chest items from the dungeon, I suggest this: biome key + temple key (from Plantera) = 1 new copy of the biome item. The current system seems really bad because 1) using that recipe removes whatever modifier you had on the item, and 2) the stacking issue that exists currently would be completely eliminated. I would also add a receipe for EACH biome key.. not just corruption/crimson. Currently the Temple Key is only used to open the temple, and using the Temple Key for this recipe would mean you couldn't get more copies of the item until after Plantera. I think it works pretty well.
By the way, there is no Water Bolt recipe in your mod. Can you please add one? I ran into a world with a single copy of a Water Bolt, and I had actually started to worry that there wasn't even one.
Eater of Worlds
By crafting it.How can I get the Base Summoning Potion?
Thank you for the feedback. This is exactly the kind of feedback I need.Just a thought: I thought the loot table from before was fine. It was a decision you had to make with respect to opening the meteorites. Do I wait until after I kill Moon Lord to have a chance at Luminite, or do I open them now to potentially get something I need right now?
I played an entire playthrough after you made the change to the hard mode drop rate and ended up with about 30 mini meteorites after I killed Moon Lord (including ones that had fallen underground.. if this was fixed, it would be even less, MUCH less, quite a few of the ones I got were from underground). These gave me Luminite Bars 3 times (although it sounds like this was ridiculously good luck based on the drop rate you mentioned on the Luminite).
So.. I personally don't think the change you made is necessarily for the best. For now, opening mini meteorites immediately is a no brainer, there's no point in waiting, and the mini meteories, IMO, become fairly useless until you kill Plantera (so you can get Shroomite/Spectre Bars..). I suppose there's also some value in opening pre-Plantera, but only to get Adamantite/Titanium.. and even this isn't that special.
I am perfectly willing to play an entire playthrough to test this thing out and see how it feels. I recognize the mini meteorites are a "bonus" so perhaps before they were too overpowered.
With respect to the biome chest items from the dungeon, I suggest this: biome key + temple key (from Plantera) = 1 new copy of the biome item. The current system seems really bad because 1) using that recipe removes whatever modifier you had on the item, and 2) the stacking issue that exists currently would be completely eliminated. I would also add a receipe for EACH biome key.. not just corruption/crimson. Currently the Temple Key is only used to open the temple, and using the Temple Key for this recipe would mean you couldn't get more copies of the item until after Plantera. I think it works pretty well.
By the way, there is no Water Bolt recipe in your mod. Can you please add one? I ran into a world with a single copy of a Water Bolt, and I had actually started to worry that there wasn't even one.
- I changed Mini Meteorites because I had complaints that it was unbalanced if you hoarded them until you defeated the moonlord and then opened them all at once, giving you loads of luminite. I agreed with these, and this also gave me an easier way to reform the Mini Meteorites for future features. It would be very helpful if people could give me what they think would be the best drop table, and here is a poll on which system of MM Drops you prefer (Old or New) http://www.strawpoll.me/12052816
- I'll change that, but to biome key + golden chest + temple key. Also, I could let the Clothier sell Biome Keys, but only in return for another biome key (with some 1.3.4 + tml magic extra currencies)
- Good point, I'll add a recipe for that. I thought I had one of those, but evidently, I was wrong.
- Can I have your permission to put this post in the Main Post of this thread as an example of how to post helpful feedback please?
By crafting it.
Thank you for the feedback. This is exactly the kind of feedback I need.
- I changed Mini Meteorites because I had complaints that it was unbalanced if you hoarded them until you defeated the moonlord and then opened them all at once, giving you loads of luminite. I agreed with these, and this also gave me an easier way to reform the Mini Meteorites for future features. It would be very helpful if people could give me what they think would be the best drop table, and here is a poll on which system of MM Drops you prefer (Old or New) http://www.strawpoll.me/12052816
- I'll change that, but to biome key + golden chest + temple key. Also, I could let the Clothier sell Biome Keys, but only in return for another biome key (with some 1.3.4 + tml magic extra currencies)
- Good point, I'll add a recipe for that. I thought I had one of those, but evidently, I was wrong.
- Can I have your permission to put this post in the Main Post of this thread as an example of how to post helpful feedback please?
1. Yes, I can see how people would feel that way, and if you want to stick with the current system you've implemented that's fine. I personally liked the old way but the new way is probably fine. I only ever saw the mini meteorites as a decent way to get more Luminite (a bit annoying to get..), as I have zero issues getting the other ores fairly easily. By that time I mostly just sell all the other bars since I have way too many.. Like I said I'm going to do a playthrough with the current new system and let you know how it feels.
2. I was thinking about adding some kind of chest. Maybe it would be a good idea to make them "themed"?
Corruption = Ebonwood Chest (can make in crimson world due to Living Loom wood exchange)
Crimson = Shadewood Chest (see above)
Frozen = Ice Chest (add a recipe if one doesn't exist, maybe 8 Ice Blocks + 2 Iron Bars @ Ice Machine or Anvil?)
Jungle = Rich Mahogany Chest
Hallowed = Pearlwood Chest
Another idea might be to create recipes for the actual biome chests, and use those instead of the above in the recipes. Something like..
Crimson Chest = Shadewood Chest + 10 Crimtane Bars
Corruption Chest = Ebonwood Chest + 10 Demonite Bars
Frozen Chest = Ice Chest + 4 Mythril/Orichalcum Bars
Jungle = Rich Mahogany Chest + 2 Chlorophyte Bars
Hallowed = Pearlwood Chest + 3 Hallowed Bars
The number of bars is meant to reflect the difficulty of getting each type of bar.
This would also kill 2 birds with 1 stone because currently you are only able to get 1 of each of those chests in any single world, so this would give players a way to craft those chests in case they want to use them for decoration purposes.
3. Yeah, I don't blame you for missing the Water Bolt, there are SOOO many RNG items in this game.. if I run into anything else I will let you know!
4. Absolutely, go ahead!
EDIT: As for biome key exchange, if you could come up with an elegant way to handle that, I think that would be a great idea! It could even be a crafting recipe..
1 biome key turns into 1 "Key of Purity".
Then you could do..
1 Key of Purity + 5 Crimtane Bars = 1 Crimson Key
Making more uses for crafting materials that are completely out of date once you hit hard mode = great idea IMO!
EDIT2: Just so you know, if you can fix the meteorites dropping underground I think the problem people were complaining about (hoarding meteorites until post Moon Lord to get tons of Luminite) would largely be gone. That combined with the nerfed drop rate in hard mode would mean unless you specifically farm for the meteorites, you're going to end up with 20 or less by the time you kill Moon Lord.
Last edited:
Eater of Worlds
1. I'll leave the MM's alone mostly for 3.1.01. Yes, I can see how people would feel that way, and if you want to stick with the current system you've implemented that's fine. I personally liked the old way but the new way is probably fine. I only ever saw the mini meteorites as a decent way to get more Luminite (a bit annoying to get..), as I have zero issues getting the other ores fairly easily. By that time I mostly just sell all the other bars since I have way too many.. Like I said I'm going to do a playthrough with the current new system and let you know how it feels.
2. I was thinking about adding some kind of chest. Maybe it would be a good idea to make them "themed"?
Corruption = Ebonwood Chest (can make in crimson world due to Living Loom wood exchange)
Crimson = Shadewood Chest (see above)
Frozen = Ice Chest (add a recipe if one doesn't exist, maybe 8 Ice Blocks + 2 Iron Bars @ Ice Machine or Anvil?)
Jungle = Rich Mahogany Chest
Hallowed = Pearlwood Chest
Another idea might be to create recipes for the actual biome chests, and use those instead of the above in the recipes. Something like..
Crimson Chest = Shadewood Chest + 10 Crimtane Bars
Corruption Chest = Ebonwood Chest + 10 Demonite Bars
Frozen Chest = Ice Chest + 4 Mythril/Orichalcum Bars
Jungle = Rich Mahogany Chest + 2 Chlorophyte Bars
Hallowed = Pearlwood Chest + 3 Hallowed Bars
The number of bars is meant to reflect the difficulty of getting each type of bar.
This would also kill 2 birds with 1 stone because currently you are only able to get 1 of each of those chests in any single world, so this would give players a way to craft those chests in case they want to use them for decoration purposes.
3. Yeah, I don't blame you for missing the Water Bolt, there are SOOO many RNG items in this game.. if I run into anything else I will let you know!
4. Absolutely, go ahead!
EDIT: As for biome key exchange, if you could come up with an elegant way to handle that, I think that would be a great idea! It could even be a crafting recipe..
1 biome key turns into 1 "Key of Purity".
Then you could do..
1 Key of Purity + 5 Crimtane Bars = 1 Crimson Key
Making more uses for crafting materials that are completely out of date once you hit hard mode = great idea IMO!
EDIT2: Just so you know, if you can fix the meteorites dropping underground I think the problem people were complaining about (hoarding meteorites until post Moon Lord to get tons of Luminite) would largely be gone. That combined with the nerfed drop rate in hard mode would mean unless you specifically farm for the meteorites, you're going to end up with 20 or less by the time you kill Moon Lord.
2. Good ideas. I'll implement something of the like
3. I think a book + water bucket + mana star or something like that
And I'll muck about with the new currency stuff to see what I can do.
I'll figure a way of using old crafting materials in some way or another.
1. I'll leave the MM's alone mostly for 3.1.0
2. Good ideas. I'll implement something of the like
3. I think a book + water bucket + mana star or something like that
And I'll muck about with the new currency stuff to see what I can do.
I'll figure a way of using old crafting materials in some way or another.
I would include something exclusive to the dungeon in the recipe. That recipe would mean you can get the water bolt after your first night. I mean, it was still possible to do that anyways if you got incredibly lucky with RNG, but this takes the RNG out of it. Problem is, what to add that makes sense? Maybe..
Book + 2 Water Candles? The probability of getting 2 Water Candles right at the top of the dungeon is extremely small so this recipe should work. And you may want to include a recipe for the Water Candle as well in this case. Something like maybe Gold Candle + 1 Bone?
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