Items Items, items everywhere, and not a box to hold 'em!


Ok, I know this conversation has been had in the past. I want to bring it back to life, though, since Terraria is nearing final maturity and the last opportunity to fix this is going to pass the game by.

Terraria has a lot. Of. Items. Buku items. Big time items. Soooo many. It started with quite a lot, then added more, then added more, then 1.4 added ONE THOUSAND more. There are just too many flippin' items.

Now don't get me wrong. I do love me some items. What I don't love is having to use six different chests to stash one category of items. I use six chests for metal bars. I use eight for accessories. Four for novelty items. Cheese and rice, man. It's box mayhem in the underground lair.

So, my suggestion: please, please, pretty please, do something with chests before putting the last nail in Terraria. Give us a bigger chest variant, or give chests unlimited inventory with a search UI. Just some place to put all those items that doesn't require filling up a quarter of the map with chests!

That is all. Just a humble request from a humble Terrarian. Thank you for listening.
Ok, I know this conversation has been had in the past. I want to bring it back to life, though, since Terraria is nearing final maturity and the last opportunity to fix this is going to pass the game by.

Terraria has a lot. Of. Items. Buku items. Big time items. Soooo many. It started with quite a lot, then added more, then added more, then 1.4 added ONE THOUSAND more. There are just too many flippin' items.

Now don't get me wrong. I do love me some items. What I don't love is having to use six different chests to stash one category of items. I use six chests for metal bars. I use eight for accessories. Four for novelty items. Cheese and rice, man. It's box mayhem in the underground lair.

So, my suggestion: please, please, pretty please, do something with chests before putting the last nail in Terraria. Give us a bigger chest variant, or give chests unlimited inventory with a search UI. Just some place to put all those items that doesn't require filling up a quarter of the map with chests!

That is all. Just a humble request from a humble Terrarian. Thank you for listening.
Unfortunately,they aren't adding more features,since terraria is at the end of it's line.
Also,I would like to question why you have so many chests.Are you trying to collect everything?
Why would you have 6 chests for metal bars? I usually have 1 or 2 at max. same with other stuff. and it still feels like I often have a bunch of garbage lying around which I don't actually need.

Sure, organising your storages can be complicated, but, most terrarians tend to really gather absolutely everything, and then store them. it's useful to some extent to have excess of items you need, or might need, but you could just sell some of the items you don't need for anything.

you usually don't use more than 2-3 weapons a time, and often stay on the line of one class, but even if not, why to really get everything, that isn't something you would ever use on that playthrough. same goes with other stuff too.
you can store items you used earlier and love, like weapons or armor,
but there's probably no need to store all the 23 shackles you got from zombies, or the 10 depth meters, when you already have the cell phone...

it would be convinient to have some search function, where did I put that item? but otherwise, it doesn't matters how big your storages are, you can always reach the point when it's too small.

you can play the way you like, of course, and there's no real problem about being Smaug and hoarding everything in your treasure vault, but if you are Smaug, then don't be surprised your treasure vault will be the size of Erebor. XD
The reason I have so many chests is because I play multiplayer and like to share. I keep many stacks of multiple items to help other players.
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