Journey's End Vanity Contest Submission Thread

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Dark Engine armor

Terraria Painting.png

Pixel translation
Terraria Character Walk.gif
Terraria Character.gif

An edgy dark knight with fire coming out of their heels and back of their head. The scarf could be removed if it takes up the wing's space.

Also, sorry for the messy painting and the janky walk animation.
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Kinda wish I'd heard about the contest a bit earlier and had a bit more time to put something together like a sprite that had a bit of a better theme and a bit more polish rather than rush something out in a few hours that's pretty simple while trying to be a little flashy/superhero-y...thought I'd try and make it look a little better and add color in Paint.Net since it didn't scan what I drew all that well. >.< Couldn't think of a name for it either, sadly.

In hindsight I'm not sure why I went with fingerless gloves or the emerald knee-guards are there, probably just to add a bit more...flashiness to go with the one on the chest armor. I don't know if the helmet could have glass/transparency to be both visible and display your character's face/hair at the same time. The boots/legs were going to have boosters/pipes like the shoulder pads/pauldrons to make them ROCKET roller-skates and be green but...those would've made them look kinda like the Hermes Boots as sprites so I changed them to normal roller-skates instead along with fins at the top of boots and the leg-armor.

And I guess if there was some special effect, it'd be after-images or maybe something like TRON light-cycle lines.
water lilles3.jpg
water lilles3.jpg

This was my armor idea, I thought the armor name could be White Lilly Armor it consisted of a sliver and white head piece, with wing attachments on the side by the ears and it had a blue gem in the middle of the headpiece.

The chest piece had a white chest plate with a blue diamond in the middle of the chest area. It also had shoulder guards that are round at the top and that went down to a point at the end, with the bottom part of the chest piece being a darker color, and having a simple design.

The Leg portion of my design had plating on the sides of the hips and a blue and white skirt, the skirt would be at angle length with the wearer wearing boots underneath.

I had A lot of fun working on this design! If I don't become a finalist, it's ok, just participating was a blast I was just happy to participate. I'm glad we got the Terraria community together for such a cool and lovely event. Especially, with what's been going on recently I've been having a hard time but this event gave me something to look forward too! And to the Devs who will eventually read this, hope you're all staying safe doing well. Thank you for all the hard work you have put into the game now and over the yeras.

Also I'd like to thank one of my best friends for informing me about this event, they know that i love art and drawing with every fiber of my being, and thought i would love something like this since i love creating stuff like this, well i hope you guys can find some amazing artist and artwork so you can incorporate them into this great game! I cant wait for the update to come out And Thank you guys again!!!!!!
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Really late BUT I have finally finished my GREATEST CREATION YET! It's called the "Celestial Armor" it's a combination of all four of the end game armors (plus a bit from the Stardust guardian)
I had this idea YEARS ago but now I've had an actual reason to make it! I've been playing Terraria for a really long time- I don't think this will even be seen, much less chosen but I hope you guys like it! It took me a few hours over two days to do. Made in Windows Paint. I tried to make it look like an in-game image to help get the idea across.
Celestial Armor FINISHED.png

Celestial Armor FINISHED (Bigger).png

Edit: Bigger image for convenience
The head piece itself is the Nebula helmet, its crest is an edit of the Stardust helmet's, the visor is the same colors as the vortex armor's mask. the eyes were included as a reference to the Nebula armor's head piece having visible glowing eyes.

The torso is an edited version of the Vortex chest, the sleeves are from the Stardust armor. The large gem-like component is edited to be rounder and was changed to the stardust colors the shoulder pads were taken from the Stardust Guardian and edited to fit the armor, and the gloves are edits of the solar gauntlets.

The legs are just the solar leg colors, put over the vortex legs.
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Some Black Leather Gold action for those who seek a Sharp look.
•Fancy Hat (Bullet clip pin for male, Mini Heart Crystal for Female [nature’s Gift on the other side as an optional side look])
•Black-Golden Coat (Golden on the buttons and bottom edges)
•Black shiny pants

Thank you for the opportunity of a life time, I love this game and the path it took from all these updates, I remember Getting the Terraria Beta on Mobile and everything felt so different and new, I bought it later on as it was so fun just playing the demo, Discovering everything such as bioms and enemies, I wanted more so I got console versions and the pc version, The game is amazing and If anyone were to ask me if terraria is a good game I would say heck yeah! But now we are reaching an end to our journey with 1.4 and all it’s glory. I hope the best for the devs of this game and future projects!
<3 Love You All <3


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Hi this is my submission. I just made a Terraria Forum account so if I did something wrong I'm very sorry. Anyway my idea for a new vanity set is a squid costume! The costume pieces have a rare chance of dropping from squid enemies similar to how you get eskimo suits from eskimo zombies. For the tooltip I was thinking "It smells like calamari".
squid vanity terraria.png
I wanna start off this post with a huge thanks to the team. Giving us all a chance to make a design for such an amazing game is truly an incredible thing. Your game has brought me many years of fun and good memories, and I'm only one of thousands. I appreciate all the work you do for this community!

Exo-Armor Set

Alien armor from the future? Weird flashing lights? A spinning electricity generator?

If your wardrobe happens to be missing the three absolute essentials above, then look no further! The Exo-Armor is the perfect vanity to fit all your futuristic warrior dreams! With this set you can prove that your sense of fashion is a block above that of all your friends!

This set consists of the Exo-Helmet, the Exo-Power Core, and the Exo-Sprinters.

The helmet is made out of strong yet light plating with a special visor in the center that enhances the wearer's optical abilities. It also features a pair of communication antennae!

The power core functions as a chestplate with an electricity generator in the center. Not only does this power the rest of the suit, but the plating provides strong defense and enhanced physical ability. As a bonus, the spinning lights can give you a sense of animated superiority over your boring, static friends. (If the lights cannot be made to always spin even when idling, they can just be made a part of the walking animation).

Finally the sprinters. The unique metal coiling, also used to protect the arms, is durable yet flexible. This allows for safe, comfortable, and stylish travel... and best of all they never feel too tight! As a bonus they include fancy lights on the side for all you cool kids.
(Disclaimer: None of the enhancement capabilities actually work since this is a vanity... It still looks dope though!)

For all Terrarians, the Exo-Armor set provides a perfect mix of comfort, protection, and of course style.

I had a real blast making this. I cannot wait to see what submissions become finalists, theres so many amazing concepts on here and too many people who deserve for their art to be in the game. Good luck to everyone else in the competition, I hope you all had as much fun as I did making your submissions!
Screen Shot 2020-04-12 at 11.13.47 PM.png
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Here is my entry. It might seem a bit basic, but i think that works. Especially when it is based on one of
Terraria's most common enemies. Some ideas for the set (not necessary) are that the Hairpiece stays
the same, like a familiar wig, but with a zombie face, and special walking animation like the robot suit:
WIN_20200412_17_21_23_Pro (2).jpg

this is dungoneer's armour

it has a cracked mining helmet which is broken and not producing any light due to the smashed glass

it is mostly colored black and purple to blend in with the darkness and filth of the dungeon

it is made of dyed cloth and thin metal with a skull embedded into the chest piece

it has jet black pauldrons made of very thin layers of lead and stone

any metal of any kind on it is extremely thin to not hinder movement whilst still giving some protection (i know that this is a VANITY contest but not all vanity HAS to be clothing, and i found an annoying lack of cool looking light armours in the game so if wins i'll FINALLY have somthing to wear)

it has a skirt that doesn't cover the front of the legs but does cover the back and going down as far as the feet

i really hope this gets into the game!
This is my submission, The 8-Pal.
  • His eyes are two Magic 8-Balls
  • He's wearing red heels
  • He has a large toy mouth on his head, and a red swollen tongue poking out from in between it
  • Spikes of different sizes cover his back


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Got about a 1 in Infinity chance of winning, but I figured it's better than if I didn't enter, so here we are. Here is my submission.
Vanity Contest Submission.png

(For clarification, the headpiece is a black hole, and the body, arms and legs are nebulae. Also, if possible, see if you can make it so that this vanity set doesn't have a walking animation. Thanks guys!)
Hopefully I'm not too late with this!
I based this design on a masked ball and I didnt colour it but it should be dark purple and I also didnt get the pants fully in but theyre just elegant purple pants with leather shoes. The mask is supposed to look fancy being dark purple with a thicker black layer on the outside of the mask and the eye sockets. The body consists of a white shirt underneath a dark purple vest and finally the also dark purple jacket. (I dont know if it would look better in black or dark purple so i just chose the latter) And for the name, i can't decide.
Thanks for looking at this!
Naked and afraid Vanity set :D

Naked and afraid vanity set.png

I propose using the lesser used expressionless face of the character. In this case I suggest a shocked and frightened expression.
The expression and towel are overlaid onto the character

[Important notes]
It doesn't have to be this title, but its an idea for a panicking character

Head - like the jungle rose, just the eye expression of being scared/shocked
Torso - towel that covers the female variant and leaves the male character bare except the legs, like the Magic robe vanity
Feet - Slippers or flip flops, white little shoes

I just thought it would be fun to have the character constantly run away in panic swinging their weapon wildly at enemies ( ^ ~ ^)
สวัสดีครับ Hello! my name's Mr.Pink I came from Thailand and this's my vanity idea. I hope everyone and Re-Logic personnel who's seeing this post will like my idea :D.
My inspiration of this vanity's from 80's culture and colourful theme, And name of my vanity head Torathad (โทรทัศน์) that mean television in Thai language.

Present terraria.jpg

Head : Torathad , Normal Screen ,Damage Screen ,Test Card Screen , Drown Screen ,Grey Screen

Torathad Blue Screen.jpg
Torathad Normal Face.jpg
Torathad Damaged 1.jpg
Torathad Drop or Dead.jpg
Torathad Drown.jpg
Torathad Grey Screen.jpg

Torso : The Old Schooler Jacket , Legs : The Old Schooler Jeans , Blink Animation

Anime 1.gif
Space Suit or Astronaut set

A regular Vanity set that could be acquired either during Holloween as a costume or as a set acquired during the Martian Madness event.



Tooltip(MM) of one or every piece could refer to the strangeness of acquiring this set within the event.

  • The headpiece could reference space or the stars.
  • Torso could just reference the absurdity of finding the suit/ without Backpack could just mention can't use this in space without dying*.
  • The Legs just mention the event or dusty shoes, a reference to a far off planet of sorts
Tooltip(HW) Mentions how it's could be used, but it is not functional*.
  • Head: Refers to space/stars
  • Torso: mentions uselessness
  • Legs: dusty shoes, just dusty shoes
That's pretty much it. It's just a vanity set.


The Backpack does not need to be included in the sprite work for the item drop or on the player, it's there to get the point across.
The set does not have to relate to either events, but due to its spacial theme could just be made with meteorite, Iron/lead or cloth.
If created by medals, then:

  • *ignore the "not functional" parts within the tooltips.
  • Head = 2, Body = 3, legs = 2 (Subject to change)
  • allows the player a higher jump if each piece is equipped collectively.

This is actually my first post
Hopefully, I'm not too late...

And also good luck to everyone :happy:
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