League of Legends anyone?

If by noob you mean simple to learn, you're on the right track.
Otherwise, it's important to remember that different champions have different mechanics to be mastered.
And mastering mechanics has to go along with knowledge of matchups against different champions (Don't pick a matchup you don't know well in ranked)
otherwise you'll still be losing lane.
Different champions have different skillcaps, so don't be afraid to main certain champions.

I like caitlin, I am good with caitlin and I mostly play caitlin (after teemo) but I like try diferent champions from time to time in unranked games. It's wrecking the competition but it is also fun to try something new.
I've been playing League for around a year now. My friends introduced me and I'm Silver atm. I usually play every lane, but when I get the chance to go top/mid. Mordekaiser is the way to go. As you can see, Mordekaiser is my main and I carried myself out of Bronze 4. cx

Name: Mordekaíser Bot
Server: EUW

I'm also a real big LCS fan. I always root for Cloud 9 and ROCCAT. c:
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Hey, if anyone wants to add me, I'm in NA and my username is 9dex9. I am pretty bad at the game, but, as I just said, I suck at the game so yeah.
Will likely be a new jungler. Really like how it goes underground. Pretty damn neat. c:
Rekt'Sai's are coming, guys.
I'm surprised there aren't more people who enjoy League! Thread seems a bit light.

What does everyone think of Rek'Sai?
Played a few games late last night. Was in my Silver 1 best of 5 series to gold. Went 2-3, failing the series. That series loss demoted me to 50 points Silver 2.

Played a few games late last night. Was in my Silver 1 best of 5 series to gold. Went 2-3, failing the series. That series loss demoted me to 50 points Silver 2.

What position do you play? I am a pretty good coach if you want me to help -- I got my friend to Plat last season. We're going to work on getting him to Diamond this season.
I play all positions, but I generally say in chat that I won't tank. Doing nothing for 40 minutes is not fun enough for me to do it now that Mundo sucks again, especially when I have probably 200 minutes total for gaming per week.

I've been playing since "season 1" (it wasn't even called that back then). I kinda like Silver, it's much, much, much more chill than "normals," and far less ragers then whenever I play in gold.

I'm mostly just shocked that getting a 0.4 win ratio over the course of 5 games was enough for a whole ranking and 150 points when in silver, games are worth +17 for wins and -21 for losses usually...
I play all positions, but I generally say in chat that I won't tank. Doing nothing for 40 minutes is not fun enough for me to do it now that Mundo sucks again, especially when I have probably 200 minutes total for gaming per week.

I've been playing since "season 1" (it wasn't even called that back then). I kinda like Silver, it's much, much, much more chill than "normals," and far less ragers then whenever I play in gold.

I'm mostly just shocked that getting a 0.4 win ratio over the course of 5 games was enough for a whole ranking and 150 points when in silver, games are worth +17 for wins and -21 for losses usually...
Oh ok. My mechanical skills are very poor. I doubt I could make it into silver. Which is why I coach others and help them practice.
Yeah, mechanics can be a pain. For instance, I suck at clicking on Yasuo. He's always darting around and I can't hit him with anything that's not a skillshot... well, I'm being overdramatic, but it's not easy.

My biggest crutch in LoL is Udyr. Enemy team picks him in the jungle and I will either not farm or feed the crap out of him. I can't seem to beat him with any champion in any lane.
Yeah, mechanics can be a pain. For instance, I suck at clicking on Yasuo. He's always darting around and I can't hit him with anything that's not a skillshot... well, I'm being overdramatic, but it's not easy.

My biggest crutch in LoL is Udyr. Enemy team picks him in the jungle and I will either not farm or feed the crap out of him. I can't seem to beat him with any champion in any lane.
He's pretty beastly. Jungle wise, you can crush him with J4 or Reksai as a counter. If you can invade him at red or blue, you can really set him behind. For later, having a champion to disengage from him is ideal. Lulu/Sion top, Ahri/Fizz mid, Jinx/Ashe & Lulu/Morgana for bottom lane. Just a few examples.

If you're facing him in lane -- he has a lot of trouble with Lissandra and Lulu
Out of all the champions you just listed, only Jarvan, Jinx, and Ashe are fun to play, though. Maybe Lulu if you go attackspeed, but you're likely not going to.
Out of all the champions you just listed, only Jarvan, Jinx, and Ashe are fun to play, though. Maybe Lulu if you go attackspeed, but you're likely not going to.
For the climb in competitive, sometimes you have to trade fun for an advantage. It's why I usually just play bots so I can play whatever, where ever, with whatever items.
Eh, I'd never play ranked if ADAM was a game mode. Random sucks and I just leave game if I get somebody I don't like.

Poro King was the best time I ever had with LoL.
Eh, I'd never play ranked if ADAM was a game mode. Random sucks and I just leave game if I get somebody I don't like.

Poro King was the best time I ever had with LoL.
Well let me know if you need any help if you want to climb the ladder -- I like discussing tactics and strategy when it comes to League
I tried the game once but lost interest as I was a big TF2 player at the time (still am) and the person I watched on Twitch for League stopped streaming the game.
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