League of Legends anyone?

Anyone else been enjoying the new Champion Masteries? I know I do.

What's the tier 5 reward, again?
You'll be earning a custom emote in-game which you can use by pressing Ctrl+6. You can already use it on a level 4 champion. Ofcourse the banner and some other things I forgot. Also, there are these Mastery points which you'll be getting throughout level 5.They said that it'll be unlocking some cool things in the future.
Today in norms I went 6/0/16 as Braum support, it was great. I stole dragon with an ult that coulda only done like 150, I sniped two kills that were getting away and the ADC couldn't get with Q, and they sent like five at us (though not all at once) and we killed them all without backing, just me and my ADC.
Today in norms I went 6/0/16 as Braum support, it was great. I stole dragon with an ult that coulda only done like 150, I sniped two kills that were getting away and the ADC couldn't get with Q, and they sent like five at us (though not all at once) and we killed them all without backing, just me and my ADC.
The god.
Bard free to plays - possibly the worst thing ever. today... I was among them...

I E'd and my whole team, including me, went through the portal because it broke the pathfinder, sort of. We all died. I even ulted once we hit the other side and made it even funnier xD
[EDIT] The best part was when I got an A+ at the end.
So today I'm jungling Lee Sin. I throw a Q to Fiora's blue buff to see if it's up as I'm about to recall, when I hear the gold income sound. I stole it without knowing it was being taken, it was amazing.
I got into LOL fairly recently. At the moment I seem to do best with Tristana, but I havent tried enough characters to know for sure.

Yes i use a girl character. Who isnt even that hot. She's really good, ok?
Dude, it doesn't matter all that much which champ you use. Nobody really judges anyone by that. If you're on North America though, I'll totally add you.

[FUN FACT] My main is Quinn, a girl champ, one of the only champs I bothered to buy a skin for, and I play her in 3 different lanes. Just because of the kit.

[EDIT] If you do wanna add me I'm Metal Duck Solid, sorta forgot that part.
[EDIT2] Forgot to tag @stormconure. Does editing in tags work..?
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Fairly new League player here. While I've only been playing for three days, I have like twenty games (and a couple of P V P) games under my belt.

My username is thechicken95 and my server is NA.
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