tModLoader Magic Storage

I'm having the same issue. I can reproduce the bug even with only magic storage enabled.

1. Have only Magic Storage enabled
2. Close game completely
3. Open game and open Ace's world
4. Open the remote storage access just above spawn inside the building (Note this is not limited to remote storage)
5. Game crashes

6. Now if you create a new world and place down a brand new storage system and enter it, it will not crash the game. Also, re-entering Ace's world and attempting to open the remote storage works fine after performing this step.
I followed this exactly and had no issues. In the past I've had issues with other mods not working below 60FPS, could that be relevant here? Anything else people could mention to help me replicate this would be great.
I use the version in the description,but I can't craft any item in the storage
Anyone know why it happen?
View attachment 207820
1. Ensure ItemChecklist is installed and knows your materials. Without it the thing might not work, I didn't test it alone. I'll look into to fix this.
2. There are filter buttons in the top row, the second group of filters allows to switch between new and known recipes. You have "new recipes" mode selected. I should make "all known recipes" instead as a default.
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Someone mentioned to me a fresh character fixes the issue, guess I need to ask for a .plr and .tplr file from someone with the issue in addition to your world files.
Both of these worked prefectly fine on my end using Maybe post enabled.json as well so I can test with the mods you have.
sure. here ya go
Someone mentioned to me a fresh character fixes the issue, guess I need to ask for a .plr and .tplr file from someone with the issue in addition to your world files.
here's the player files as requested
[doublepost=1534884384][/doublepost]here's the world files as well. just so everythings in one place


I have a suggestion for a feature. I think it would be cool/convenient if the crafting access tile supported multi-tier crafting. Let's say I want to craft beetle armor, but I've yet to make the turtle armor. However, I have the turtle shells, beetle husks and the chlorophyte. Because of this, I can go straight to crafting the beetle armor rather than having to craft the turtle armor, and then the beetle armor. When a bunch of mods are installed, there can be a lot of tiered recipes and it can get really tedious to go back and forth between recipes while checking to see if you've gotten all the required materials.
So, I don't normally log into my account so forgive me if i'm not using the right format.
First off the bug thats been happening with the new update, that has happened to me.
Whenever i try opening the storage heart my game crashes with this message:
(sorry for the bad quality im using steam screenshots)
I don't know if this is a problem specific to me but, whenever I hover over the close button it just makes a very fast ticking sound (as if i was selecting the button hundreds of times per second).
i will uploud my world and character im using so you can test them.
also i forgot to say that im using frame skip and getting 30fps so that may be an issue (also i dont even know how run terraria at 60fps, even with a really good computer it always just runs at around 30fps for me).
Character and world files:


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I've attached a .tmod with a small change that might fix what I am guessing is the bug, let me know if it works for you.
Well that would explain why it crashed my computer so bad i had to take the battery out (typing on mobile right now)
I will try this one also once my computer loads everything up.
Hi! Im having an issue with a 3 player modded multiplayer play through where everytime I right click the Storage Heart, I get a crash that takes me back to the menu. Here is the log:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at MagicStorage.StorageGUI.Update(GameTime gameTime)
at MagicStorage.MagicStorage.PostUpdateInput()
at Terraria.ModLoader.ModHooks.PostUpdateInput()
at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate_HandleInput()
at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime)
at Terraria.Main.Update(GameTime gameTime)​

Please let me know how to fix this. Thanks!

Edit: I am the only one with this issue
-Fixed crash when opening storage with low framerate
-Fixed bug where clicks still interact with the storage when the game is minimized
also fixed for me as well. i feel glad i could find and submit my first bug report. i feel like this is a mission accomplished.

and thank you jopojelly for fixing the bug as well.

and also thank you to the mod author for making such an incredibly useful and amazing mod.
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