tModLoader Metroid Mod

Oh dang, other people were having this thing happen? I thought it was because of one of the mods I had since the guide also wasn't respawning. Eventually, the error stopped happening after some time. While we're on this subject, is the golden torizo accessible in the current version of the mod?
Yes, defeating the Golem makes the Golden Torizo spawn in the same place as normal Torizo. Defeating the Golden Torizo makes the Chozo Ghost sell its spawn item.
I've been abusing the Grappling beam a *lot* in the past 20 minutes, but have yet to catapult off-screen.
Since we're having problems replicating this issue, we'd love it if those who experienced this issue could fill in some details!

1. World size
2. Screen setting (fullscreen, windowed)
3. Accessories/armour
4. Platform setup (a screenshot would be most appreciated!)
5. Anything else that comes to mind, which you think might affect this bug.

Would love to fix this issue for y'all!
so i've no idea what else to fill up on these accessory slots, any suggestions?
To follow up on me saying I had crashes while fighting Serris, it most certainly only happens on tModLoader 64 bit. Again, I get that playing it is effectively use at your own risk beta software. I spent a couple of hours or so trying to find out if a specific mod causes the crash. Every time I thought a specific mod did, turns out it would crash after disabling said mod anyway. My conclusion is that somehow, the memory gets corrupted during the fight since sometimes I get an error message about that. It seems to crash faster the more memory used.

I submitted my details to the Github bug tracker, but I figured I should clear that up here since I originally mentioned that earlier.
so i've no idea what else to fill up on these accessory slots, any suggestions?

Worm Scarf (expert EoW drop, 17% dmg reduction), Avengers Emblem (12% dmg up), some wings? Jumping is cool but the upwards speed of wings is actually needed if you wanna go anywhere upwards midfight.
I've been abusing the Grappling beam a *lot* in the past 20 minutes, but have yet to catapult off-screen.
Since we're having problems replicating this issue, we'd love it if those who experienced this issue could fill in some details!

1. World size
2. Screen setting (fullscreen, windowed)
3. Accessories/armour
4. Platform setup (a screenshot would be most appreciated!)
5. Anything else that comes to mind, which you think might affect this bug.

Would love to fix this issue for y'all!

I tried replicating it myself, no luck, but I managed to crash the entire game :D crash log [19:15:26] [1/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception: System.IndexOutOfRangeEx -

1. Medium, Corruption, Normal mode
2. Fullscreen, 1680x1050
3. This I tried to replicate. Sandstorm in a bottle, Flying carpet, Grappling hook
4. see ss
5. see below

So I tried replicating it. i still had my endgame armor etc, but I unequipped speed/jump boosts and only used what I listed under 3. It happens to me twice, last run and this run, both in early stages pre Skeletron, so in Chozite Armor with grappling hook. I remembered I was farming some EoW and wanted to quickly get up to the surface so i hooked from one platform to the next while pressing UP and jumping wildly to speed it up. And then I was catapulted out of screen. This time my game actually crashed from doing this. I summoned the Eater and went underground, then started wildly hooking around the pltforms up and a little down and then the game went poof :DThe crash has several suppressed exceptions relating to the grappling, some outofbounds stuff etc. I spawned the EoW so I had more sprites on screen. Maybe this is just a usual crash related to this though. Hope it helps track down the problem.

Side note: Currently on my third playthrough, this time with Calamity. On normal once again. Smooth sailing up until Moon Lord, not much different at all. I killed the first boss after Moon Lord easily. The next one was the dragon in the jungle biome. Which wrecked me because I couldnt kill it before it killed me. It certainly felt like an expert mode boss, once reason why I kinda dislike the mod. Calamity gives you the opportunity to become OP, but you NEED it to beat the bosses which have INSANE contact damage. i dont even want to imagine ever playing t oon expert again. I once beat that on expert and it took me a LOT of grinding for the OP accessories to mitigate being killed too fast, plus a TON of flying around to dodge bosses. Not very fun tbh, think ive mentioned that before. All calamity does is raise boss hp and boss damage while throwing out a ton of projectiles. And I fell this is where the metroid mod will come to a halt, unless youre a masochist that likes dodging perfectly. The dmg of the Phazon beam was enough I guess, but the limiting factor is how long you can shoot it. The weapons from Calamity have the same power or are even stronger but can fire endlessly. Plus the defense of the armor is falling off in post Moon Lord territory.

Mod List with annotations if others need some guidance on which mods to use. This playthorugh on normal was fairly casual. As mentioned post moon lord the difficulty spiked needlessly.

Alchemist NPC 9.3 - quick access to potions
Auto trash 0.5 - QoL
Boss Checklist 1.4.1 - QoL
Boss Cursor 1.5.1 - QoL
Boss Expertise 3.0.2 - changed boss AI to expert AI, bags dropped in normal mode
Calamity Mod (no music) 7, cant read it)
Calamity Mod Music
Cheat Sheet - Backup for when bugs happen
Fargos Mutant Mod 2.2.6 - not really needed as Calamity added spawn items too
Health and Mana from bosses - QoL less searching around
Loot bags 1.1 - Less grinding though not very needed
Luiafk - skybridge builder, platform arena builder, auto hellevator
Magic Storage - QoL
Max Stack Plus Extra - QoL
Metroid mod
No More Tombs 1.0.1 - QoL
Recipe Browser 0.8.7 - absolutely needed for every modded playthrough
Reduced Grinding 6.0 - QoL, not sure what it did, maybe increased drop rate? The plantera summon item saved my butt, see below
Shorter Respawn Time 1.0 - doesnt seem to work
Unleveled Mod - QoL, better health bar
Upgraded Accessories 4.1 - never used
VeinMiner 1.3.1 - QoL
Which Mod Is This From 2.6.2 - QoL
Yet Another Boss health bar 1.3.2 - QoL (should disable the Calamity health bars for this)

one last bug report:
I failed to kill Plantery twice. I didnt build an Arena and thought I could nuke it fast enough. From Luiafk I used the plantera bulb finder which gives you the coordinates of the bulb. After popping the second bulb and failing again vs Plantera (10% left) no more bulb spawned. i looked everywhere, the bulb finder didnt respond either and I rekilled all mecha bosses thrice. no luck. I used the Spawn item from Reduced grinding to summon it and kill it.

and then it happened to me to: MASSIVE LAG. I had a skybridge up and as soon as i broke a piece a meteor (Phazon) landed below it. So same thing someone else reported. Funnily this didnt happen on my previous playgthrough and i was completely missing the Phazon meteor impact in the 2nd playthrough. But yeah, unlike the vanilla meteor that simply doesnt spawn when you have a complete skybridge, the Phazon meteor lags the hell out of the game. I think the imapct should

1. just not happen if its prevented the first time, e.g. by a sky bridge
2. should be linked to the Temple golem. No point in having it on the plantera kill.
3. Should only happen once, but refighting the golem is easy, even without other mods, so if it fails due to (1) it should be easier to try again with another golem kill.


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Started another playthrough with this mod, although this time, not playing as hunter class, to experience what this mod is like as another class. For some reason, Torizo seems to very quickly take damage from penetrating weapons, should you get any this soon. I think it may be due to him seemingly being segmented (I know the head is).

A couple of things about the morph ball. It seems to disable the bottle jumps. Could those be allowed? I know there's no morph ball double jumping (bomb jumping not withstanding) in the source material, but given the interactions with Terraria items and mechanics, I think it would be fun to be allowed the extra jumps you can normally do. Also, when you reverse gravity, morph ball form doesn't work at all. It just instantly cancels out. Not sure if a bug or design decision.
A couple of things about the morph ball. It seems to disable the bottle jumps. Could those be allowed? I know there's no morph ball double jumping (bomb jumping not withstanding) in the source material, but given the interactions with Terraria items and mechanics, I think it would be fun to be allowed the extra jumps you can normally do. Also, when you reverse gravity, morph ball form doesn't work at all. It just instantly cancels out. Not sure if a bug or design decision.
Is Spider Ball not enough? .3. I think many mounts, modded or vanilla, tend to disable bottles anyway.
Also, I don't think any mounts work in reverse gravity.
Started another playthrough with this mod, although this time, not playing as hunter class, to experience what this mod is like as another class. For some reason, Torizo seems to very quickly take damage from penetrating weapons, should you get any this soon. I think it may be due to him seemingly being segmented (I know the head is).

A couple of things about the morph ball. It seems to disable the bottle jumps. Could those be allowed? I know there's no morph ball double jumping (bomb jumping not withstanding) in the source material, but given the interactions with Terraria items and mechanics, I think it would be fun to be allowed the extra jumps you can normally do. Also, when you reverse gravity, morph ball form doesn't work at all. It just instantly cancels out. Not sure if a bug or design decision.

Bottle jumps with morph ball are not necessary. As soon as you get bombs you have infinite bomb-jumping capability with no fall damage.
I just beat all the post-golem bosses, and I think their difficulty was good (attack-wise), but I was able to kill omega pirate in his first teleporting phase on my second fight, which doesn't seem right. The teleporting phases should probably end when he reaches set amounts of health. But the Golden Torizo's health was WAY too low. It only had around 48000 hp (in expert mode), compared to something like the empress of light with 98000 hp, so I killed it extremely quickly. I'm not sure if another mod is messing with the hp, but if not, it definitely needs a health buff. But other than the hp issues, the bosses are great!
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Regarding the ghost NPC spawning. Eventually a ghost did spawn in my town. After about 50 messages saying one had joined one finally did!

Annnnnd upon leaving the world and starting it up again, the ghost was gone and "X the chozo ghost has arrived!" spam started again... This bird needs to make up its mind!
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This mod feels so great on my metroid terraria server. Scooterboots you and your team did a fantastic job. Your welcome in my server if you want to join
Just beaten Torizo, got the morph ball drill and it is really overpowered. I haven't even beaten EoC yet but I can dig at late hardmode drill speeds already
I tried replicating it myself, no luck, but I managed to crash the entire game :D crash log [19:15:26] [1/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception: System.IndexOutOfRangeEx -

1. Medium, Corruption, Normal mode
2. Fullscreen, 1680x1050
3. This I tried to replicate. Sandstorm in a bottle, Flying carpet, Grappling hook
4. see ss
5. see below

So I tried replicating it. i still had my endgame armor etc, but I unequipped speed/jump boosts and only used what I listed under 3. It happens to me twice, last run and this run, both in early stages pre Skeletron, so in Chozite Armor with grappling hook. I remembered I was farming some EoW and wanted to quickly get up to the surface so i hooked from one platform to the next while pressing UP and jumping wildly to speed it up. And then I was catapulted out of screen. This time my game actually crashed from doing this. I summoned the Eater and went underground, then started wildly hooking around the pltforms up and a little down and then the game went poof :DThe crash has several suppressed exceptions relating to the grappling, some outofbounds stuff etc. I spawned the EoW so I had more sprites on screen. Maybe this is just a usual crash related to this though. Hope it helps track down the problem.

Side note: Currently on my third playthrough, this time with Calamity. On normal once again. Smooth sailing up until Moon Lord, not much different at all. I killed the first boss after Moon Lord easily. The next one was the dragon in the jungle biome. Which wrecked me because I couldnt kill it before it killed me. It certainly felt like an expert mode boss, once reason why I kinda dislike the mod. Calamity gives you the opportunity to become OP, but you NEED it to beat the bosses which have INSANE contact damage. i dont even want to imagine ever playing t oon expert again. I once beat that on expert and it took me a LOT of grinding for the OP accessories to mitigate being killed too fast, plus a TON of flying around to dodge bosses. Not very fun tbh, think ive mentioned that before. All calamity does is raise boss hp and boss damage while throwing out a ton of projectiles. And I fell this is where the metroid mod will come to a halt, unless youre a masochist that likes dodging perfectly. The dmg of the Phazon beam was enough I guess, but the limiting factor is how long you can shoot it. The weapons from Calamity have the same power or are even stronger but can fire endlessly. Plus the defense of the armor is falling off in post Moon Lord territory.

Mod List with annotations if others need some guidance on which mods to use. This playthorugh on normal was fairly casual. As mentioned post moon lord the difficulty spiked needlessly.

Alchemist NPC 9.3 - quick access to potions
Auto trash 0.5 - QoL
Boss Checklist 1.4.1 - QoL
Boss Cursor 1.5.1 - QoL
Boss Expertise 3.0.2 - changed boss AI to expert AI, bags dropped in normal mode
Calamity Mod (no music) 7, cant read it)
Calamity Mod Music
Cheat Sheet - Backup for when bugs happen
Fargos Mutant Mod 2.2.6 - not really needed as Calamity added spawn items too
Health and Mana from bosses - QoL less searching around
Loot bags 1.1 - Less grinding though not very needed
Luiafk - skybridge builder, platform arena builder, auto hellevator
Magic Storage - QoL
Max Stack Plus Extra - QoL
Metroid mod
No More Tombs 1.0.1 - QoL
Recipe Browser 0.8.7 - absolutely needed for every modded playthrough
Reduced Grinding 6.0 - QoL, not sure what it did, maybe increased drop rate? The plantera summon item saved my butt, see below
Shorter Respawn Time 1.0 - doesnt seem to work
Unleveled Mod - QoL, better health bar
Upgraded Accessories 4.1 - never used
VeinMiner 1.3.1 - QoL
Which Mod Is This From 2.6.2 - QoL
Yet Another Boss health bar 1.3.2 - QoL (should disable the Calamity health bars for this)

one last bug report:
I failed to kill Plantery twice. I didnt build an Arena and thought I could nuke it fast enough. From Luiafk I used the plantera bulb finder which gives you the coordinates of the bulb. After popping the second bulb and failing again vs Plantera (10% left) no more bulb spawned. i looked everywhere, the bulb finder didnt respond either and I rekilled all mecha bosses thrice. no luck. I used the Spawn item from Reduced grinding to summon it and kill it.

and then it happened to me to: MASSIVE LAG. I had a skybridge up and as soon as i broke a piece a meteor (Phazon) landed below it. So same thing someone else reported. Funnily this didnt happen on my previous playgthrough and i was completely missing the Phazon meteor impact in the 2nd playthrough. But yeah, unlike the vanilla meteor that simply doesnt spawn when you have a complete skybridge, the Phazon meteor lags the hell out of the game. I think the imapct should

1. just not happen if its prevented the first time, e.g. by a sky bridge
2. should be linked to the Temple golem. No point in having it on the plantera kill.
3. Should only happen once, but refighting the golem is easy, even without other mods, so if it fails due to (1) it should be easier to try again with another golem kill.
Thank you for the thorough explanation, that really helps a lot! Will try to replicate the issue a couple more times, see where we end up.
Thats odd. I had a skybridge in my 2nd playthrough and I had no lag. The meteor didnt spawn, just like the normal ones from destroying an EoW orb, but no lags for me. Maybe its a rare occasion.

PS: I couldnt resists and am on a 3rd playthrough, this time with Calamity as the only content mod. Lets see how long the Metroid items will hold out.
@Wildfire: respect. i already hate expert so i wont use the Souls mod. Expert and anything above it is just a bother, since its not about better AI or more mechanics, but instead its about "how fast can you run/fly while still hitting the boss, so that you minimize contact damage which will kill you in 3 hits". I once finished Calamity in expert an it wasnt fun having to grind masive resources for every next boss :/

edit: About the grappling hook bug: Just stand below a platform, holb UP, press jump often and latch onto the platform. Instant catapult into nothingness. i think it happens when you press jump during shoertening of the beam.
Yeah it's an odd bug. From what I could tell this only happened a few times in my tests. The Skybridge, however, needed to be below a certain point in the sky to prevent it from spawning. This seemed to be different for each attempt I did though so I'm not entirely sure what causes it. I can only say that it stopped lagging the second I cut a hole in my worlds skybridge where it dropped right below that hole.
Yeah it's an odd bug. From what I could tell this only happened a few times in my tests. The Skybridge, however, needed to be below a certain point in the sky to prevent it from spawning. This seemed to be different for each attempt I did though so I'm not entirely sure what causes it. I can only say that it stopped lagging the second I cut a hole in my worlds skybridge where it dropped right below that hole.
To ease all your concerns, this is one of the bugs that's already been fixed. I think Scooterboot can/will elaborate more when the time's there for a new (hotfix) release.
As someone that loves Super Metroid and that has wanted Terraria to do more with the desert; this is just amazing! Well done! Will try this out, like RIGHT NOW! :happy:
Is Spider Ball not enough? .3. I think many mounts, modded or vanilla, tend to disable bottles anyway.
Also, I don't think any mounts work in reverse gravity.
Spider Ball only works on solid tiles. It doesn't help you gain height on mid air. It's a different way of gaining height.
Bottle jumps with morph ball are not necessary. As soon as you get bombs you have infinite bomb-jumping capability with no fall damage.
Being able to jump with bottles is not the same as carefully timing bomb jumps. Bomb jumping would still be a thing with my suggestion, for say, reaching sky islands for those who master the timing. Ultimately it'll come down to the devs if they wan to change bottle jumping in morph ball form, but I threw in my thoughts that I think it would be neat due to being a Terraria thing despite there being no such thing in the Metroid games. Spring ball is already a thing here by default without a separate upgrade needed.
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