**REPORTED** [Mobile] The game crashes with the connected controller


Your Terraria Device
Motorola Moto G7 Play
Mobile OS
9.0 Pie
Quando Abro O Jogo Com o Gamepad Conectado (Ipega 9076 Knup) Ele Fica Em Uma Tela Preta Eternamente
Quando o Gamepad é Desconectado O Jogo Abre Normalmente
E Quando Conectado Com o jogo aberto Nos Menus ou em Um Mundo O Jogo Trava e quando o controle desconecta o jogo flui normalmente

Em Outro Celular (Lg Q6) O Jogo Não Trava E ele Reconhece O Gamepad Mais Não Responde Aos Comandos

When I open the game with the connected controller (Ipega 9076 Knup ) it stays on a black screen forever

When the Gamepad is Disconnected The Game Opens Normally

E When Connected With the game open In Menus or in a World The Game Hangs and when the controller disconnects the game flows normally I used Google Translate

on Another Cell Phone (Lg Q6) The Game Does Not Hang And It Recognizes The Gamepad No More Responds To Commands


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Quando Abro O Jogo Com o Gamepad Conectado (Ipega 9076 Knup) Ele Fica Em Uma Tela Preta Eternamente
Quando o Gamepad é Desconectado O Jogo Abre Normalmente
E Quando Conectado Com o jogo aberto Nos Menus ou em Um Mundo O Jogo Trava e quando o controle desconecta o jogo flui normalmente

Em Outro Celular (Lg Q6) O Jogo Não Trava E ele Reconhece O Gamepad Mais Não Responde Aos Comandos

When I open the game with the connected controller (Ipega 9076 Knup ) it stays on a black screen forever

When the Gamepad is Disconnected The Game Opens Normally

E When Connected With the game open In Menus or in a World The Game Hangs and when the controller disconnects the game flows normally I used Google Translate

on Another Cell Phone (Lg Q6) The Game Does Not Hang And It Recognizes The Gamepad No More Responds To Commands
Hi there, right now there are a few gamepads and Android devices that are experiencing issues, Ipega being one of them.

There will be an update put out soon that will fix the crashes. When it is available it will be in the Google Play Store as (384). This will fix the crash, but you still won’t be able to use the Ipega controller yet. The mobile developers, DR Studios, are working hard to get another update that will allow you to use the controller, but it will take a longer time.

Here is more info: You've got the Touch, You've got the Power! Controller & Customization Update hits Mobile Terraria Today!
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