You've got the Touch, You've got the Power! Controller & Customization Update hits Mobile Terraria Today!

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Happy Controller & Customization launch day, Terrarians!

At long last, the teams at DR Studios, Re-Logic, and 505 Games are pleased to bring our first Feature Update to Mobile Terraria in the post-1.3 era. The focus here is to bring a whole new level of customization to the controls and interface for players along with implementing robust and fully remappable controller support for bluetooth-capable gamepads. We are thrilled with how all of this turned out and we cannot wait to see what you all do with this newfound power! :eek:

Please send us your very best setups and gamepad mappings - we would love to see your creativity at work!

As always, please report any bugs or issues that you encounter so that we can get any needed hotfixes out there as quickly and completely as possible!

With this update out and once the hotfixes are done, we will be moving on to our next stage in our Terraria Mobile development plans... but more on that another day. ;)

Without further ado, here is your changelog! Also, check out our handy guide to the new features posted just below the changelog - and also linked in the Mobile Guides section here:



  • We are aware of some crash issues occurring with certain gamepads and Android devices
    • Some of these include, but are not limited to: Ipega devices, Inova Gamepad, MOCUTE gamepad, Tronsmart G02, Gen Game S5, STK 7000F)
  • These crashes are due to the use of currently-unsupported Gamepads, and this only impacts Android.
    • Due to the way we have to identify controllers, there is a limited number of the gamepads which the game supports, and the affected gamepads are not on this database.
    • While Android itself can connect to the gamepad, the game cannot correctly identify the gamepad, so this is causing a conflict issue with the game.
    • For now, if you disconnect your gamepad, you should be able to play via touch controls as before (great time to check out the new customization options! :) )
    • On iOS, only MFI-compatible controllers will connect to iOS at all, so this issue should not impact iOS users.
  • We are building a fix for the crash itself now. If this tests out well, we will push this out to everyone ASAP – possibly by tonight.
    • This will remove the crash, but the affected gamepads will not be able to be used in game at this time.
  • We will then be adding a new UI that will get around this and allow people affected by the above to do some quick setup to be able to use their gamepad.
    • This will take a good bit longer, should be by the end of the month at worst.
    • We will endeavor to get this done as soon as we can, though.


Terraria Mobile Build Notes - Controller Support & Customization Update

  • Able to remap any existing control
    • Tapping a command from the Bindings tab and then tapping the button you wish to remap will assign the selected command to that button.
    • NOTE: Changing a button-only action to a stick will clear the action and leave an empty stick if it cannot be placed on a stick, and vice versa
    • NOTE: Square buttons only allowed for zoom buttons

  • Able to move all buttons in the available controls space
    • Movement is limited to the pre-defined “controls” space, which you can see on the Edit Interface screen.
    • When dragged outside of the controls space, buttons will turn red and, if released while red, will be deleted.

  • Able to reposition the Settings and Inventory buttons within the controls space. Also able to move Inventory page tabs.
    • Inventory & Settings buttons can be moved around, but are locked to their default side of the UI.
    • Inventory page tabs (housing, PVP, Equipment, etc) can be rotated either vertically or horizontally and can be moved around within the controls space.

  • Able to add additional buttons or actions by dragging them down from the palette from the top or selecting the action and tapping to place it in an empty location

  • Able to overlap buttons
    • Layer order is dependant on the order the buttons are added to the controls space
    • The last placed button in an overlap setting will sit on top.

  • Able to undo/redo a series of changes to a particular profile
    • NOTE: Changing any of the settings or menus will clear the undo history

  • Able to set up to 4 unique control setup profiles via the profile dropdown

  • Able to add a Cycle Profile button from the bindings palette.
    • NOTE: Only profiles with a Cycle Profile button added to the controls area will be activated by the profile button in-game, so if you have a cycle profile button on 1, 2, and 3 it will cycle between these three only and not show 4.

  • Able to rename each profile and have it display in the game when cycled

  • Able to choose the active profile from the settings menu without adding a cycle profile button


  • Added: Pinch Zoom on/off
  • Affects both world and map
  • Added: Chat Order Top Down / Bottom Up
  • Added: Passwords Hidden/Visible
    • Uses the password keyboard and hides password text in the host box
    • On-screen keyboard will still display character by character when typing so not completely streamer safe!
  • Added: Aim Sensitivity slider when smart cursor is off
  • Aim and Use Mode: By Item Type (Default), Global For All, Always Aim Only, Always Aim & Use
  • Smart Cursor Mode: By Item Type (Default), Global For All, always Off, always


  • Added support for Bluetooth/MFI compatible gamepads.
    • We do not have an exhaustive list of compatible controllers, but for example, bluetooth-capable Xbox One and PlayStation 4 gamepads do work well.

  • Able to rebind MOST actions on the controller
    • This is accessed via the Controller tab in settings and allows for thorough remapping.
    • Some ‘default’ actions are set by the system when a window overtakes the control screen. (Main Menus, NPC dialogues, Hair Stylist, Dresser)
    • Some bindings for secondary Stick sticks for movement and aiming, allowing you an alternate to move or aim in the menus when main sticks are bound to menu navigation

  • Added Four Default Controller Setups:
    • Simplified - Intended for the newer or younger player
      • Recommended additional settings:
      • Stick Jump: Single Tap Up or Swipe
      • Autoswing: On
    • Advanced - Intended for the experienced Terrarian
    • Console - Intended for those used to playing on XB1/PS4/Switch
    • Custom (make your own!)

  • Navigation delay slider: to speed up or slow down inventory navigation
  • Swap shoulders and triggers: This changes the [HOLD] keys
    • Changes LB to LT on Xbox controller
    • Changes L1 to L2 Dualshock 4 controller
  • Aim sensitivity slider: additional setting when a controller is connected and smart cursor is off
  • Aim and Use Mode: By Item Type (Default), Global for All, Always Aim Only, Always Aim & Use
  • Smart Cursor Mode: By Item Type (Default), Global for All, Always Off, Always On


  • Player Creation menu has been revised, and now provides a preview of your character
  • World Creation menu also revised to match player creation
  • Hairstylist window is now a popup in the game
  • Dresser window is now a popup in the game


  • Fixed! No longer able to put non-equipment items into equipment slots
  • Fixed! A number of rare crashes
  • Fixed! Improvements to the grapple stick’s accuracy
  • Fixed! If a multiplayer game is not reachable, the game will time-out

Localization missing in a few menus where text is displayed in English.
Unsupported Gamepads causing crashing on Android
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Hello Terrarians! This guide is intended to give you a quick overview of how the new virtual control customization options for mobile Terraria work. This does not seek to cover all possible instances, rather it will cover the basics of what you can do and how you can do it... the rest is up to the limits of your imagination!


For starters, we need to get into the control customization interface. Here's how!
  • From the Settings menu, tap the Controls menu tab (it's the one with the little joystick icon)
  • Tap Edit Touch Controls
  • IMPORTANT: Remember when you are done with your customization edits, be sure to hit the "Apply" button!



The Touch/Virtual Controls Edit Screen


Remapping your virtual controls - for example, changing the Quick Heal button to Quick Mana - is a simple process. Here's how it is done:
  • On the "Bindings" tab, you will see a host of possible touch controls. Nearly everything possible is here, so the options are endless!
  • If you would like to keep the same layout, but simply replace the function of an existing control with another, you can either:
    • Touch and drag the desired control from the "bindings" buttons at the top of the screen and pull it down to the existing button/stick that you want to replace
    • Tap the desired control from the "bindings" buttons at the top of the screen and then tap the existing button/stick that you want to replace
  • If you remap a button as "blank" (the lower right binding on the list), the button will still be there later to edit, but will not appear in gameplay.
  • Duplicate controls are perfectly fine!
  • Remember to press Apply when you are all done with your edits.



This update also allows for changing the size and location of any given control. Do note that all controls must fit within the controls area.
  • On the "Controls" tab, you will see a host of possible touch controls of different sizes.
  • If you would like to change the size of an existing control to make it smaller or larger, you can either:
    • Touch and drag the desired control from the "controls" buttons at the top of the screen and pull it down to the existing button/stick that you want to replace
    • Tap the desired control from the "controls" buttons at the top of the screen and then tap the existing button/stick that you want to replace
  • Remember to press Apply when you are all done with your edits!



Not only can controls be remapped, they can also be moved around freely within the controls area
  • To move a control, simply touch and hold on the control that you want to move and then drag it around the controls area until you reach the desired location
  • Release your finger and the button will move to your selected location.
  • You can move nearly anything around - including the Inventory/Settings icons and the Inventory Tab/Page and Zoom +/- controls!
  • Remember to press Apply when you are all done with your edits!



In addition to being able to remap, resize, and even disable individual touch controls, you are now able to add and/or delete controls to fit your desires!
  • To add a control, simply drag and drop your desired button/stick from the bindings list into an empty space in the controls area.
  • Alternatively, you can tap the button/stick that you want to add and then tap an empty space in the controls area.
  • Again, duplicates are fine!
  • Remember to press Apply when you are all done with your edits!


  • Deleting a button is equally easy!
    • Touch and hold the button/stick that you want to delete
    • Drag the control-to-be-deleted outside of the controls area until you see the icon turn red.
    • Release your finger and you will see that the control is no more!

Remove Buttons.gif


As a part of customizing your control interface, we understand that some players may want to have a setup where the orientation of the Inventory Tab/Page icons (Inventory/Housing/Equipment/etc) is horizontal rather than vertical (the default).
  • To swap the orientation of these icons, tap the button that says Vertical - Horizontal and select your desired setting
  • You will note the orientation change, and you can also move these around as you see fit!



That latest tweak not feeling just right? Of course you can press Discard to remove all of your changes since last you saved your custom control profile - but you can also use the Undo-Redo buttons to either remove or repeat the last action/change that you made.
  • Pretty straight forward here, just tap the undo/redo button to trigger that function.
  • Pressing undo multiple times will undo each previous action in sequence.
  • Pressing Discard will remove ALL changes since the last time you made edits and pressed Apply
  • Pressing Default will default all controls in that profile to the standard default that ships with the game.
  • Remember to press Apply when you are all done with your edits!



This update allows you to create up to four unique and fully-customizable touch control setups via the Profile pulldown menu. No only that, but these profiles can be hotswapped in-game by adding the "Cycle Profile" button to your control setups.
  • To edit a given profile, tap the Profile pull-down menu on the Edit Touch Controls screen.
  • Select the profile that you want to edit by tapping it.
  • Give your profile a fun name (or don't if you choose not to) by clicking the Rename button.
  • Use your creativity and the features above in this guide to customize that profile to your desired state.


Once you have your profiles set up - however may you desire - you can add the "Cycle Profile" button to your setups in order to be able to quickly hotswap profiles in-game without leaving the action! To enable this feature:
  • Go into the profile for which you want to enable Profile Cycling
  • Add the Cycle Profile button via drag and drop or touch, as covered above in "ADDING & DELETING BUTTONS"
  • IMPORTANT: You must add this button to each profile for which you want to add to your profile cycle in-game... so repeat this process for each desired profile.


Once you have this all set up, you can tap the Cycle Profile button in game to quickly move between your fancy custom profiles!


You can always swap your control profiles in the Settings menu on the Touch Controls tab if you would rather not use the Profile Cycle feature.



We hope that you are as excited about the range of new features and functionality that this Controller Support & Customization update brings to Mobile Terraria. We have tried to lean on the side of giving you more capability and leaving the power in the hands of your limitless creativity. As you generate really cool setups, we would really love to see what you created - so feel free to share them here on TCF, our Discord, or Social Media. Who knows, if we find one that looks REALLY good, we might include it as a default in future updates. :cool:

Happy adventuring, Terrarians!
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I have problems with ps4 gamepad. ;(;(
What problems are you having @SirFm. If you can describe your issue in detail that would be helpful. Note down everything that you are doing, what you expect to happen, and then what is actually happening. Be as detailed as possible. Otherwise there's no way to help. :)
What problems are you having @SirFm. If you can describe your issue in detail that would be helpful. Note down everything that you are doing, what you expect to happen, and then what is actually happening. Be as detailed as possible. Otherwise there's no way to help. :)
When I connected my ps4 gamepad, the terraria connected well and all, but when I tried the game with the gamepad there was no button to what it said, for example, if I press the l2 button the pointer goes to the upper left corner and I will have the housing menu, when I press the triangle button to restart the key nothing happens, when I press square it is as if I will press another key like x, etc, my gamepad only comes about 1 month since I bought it. :I
Terraria not starting after update:(
What device are you on @Bigbaby? Where did you purchase the game?

When I connected my ps4 gamepad, the terraria connected well and all, but when I tried the game with the gamepad there was no button to what it said, for example, if I press the l2 button the pointer goes to the upper left corner and I will have the housing menu, when I press the triangle button to restart the key nothing happens, when I press square it is as if I will press another key like x, etc, my gamepad only comes about 1 month since I bought it. :I
Can you post a screenshot? Also, check your bindings. You may not have actions associated with your buttons. Go into Settings, then Controller. In the Scheme menu, I suggest choosing Simplified, Advanced, or Console (not Custom). And then from there, you can change the bindings to what you like, and this will create a Custom setting for you. Don't start off with Custom. Take an already existing scheme and customize it, it takes out a lot of the guesswork.

O The game does not open after the update
What device are you on @Anael63? Where did you purchase the game?
[QUOTE = "Unidade Um, post: 1931884, membro: 21985"]
Em que dispositivo você está? [USER = 134427] @Bigbaby [/ USER]? Onde você comprou o jogo?

Você pode postar uma captura de tela? Além disso, verifique suas ligações. Você pode não ter ações associadas aos seus botões. Vá para Configurações, depois Controlador. No menu Esquema, sugiro escolher Simplificado, Avançado ou Console (não personalizado). E a partir daí, você pode alterar as ligações para o que quiser, e isso criará uma configuração personalizada para você. Não comece com Custom. Pegue um esquema já existente e personalize-o, ele tira muitas das suposições.

Em que dispositivo você está? [USER = 174611] @ Anael63 [/ USER]? Onde você comprou o jogo?
Na Playstore In the Playstore game on the LG k11 the game ran normally before today's update
[QUOTE = "Unidade Um, post: 1931884, membro: 21985"]
Em que dispositivo você está? [USER = 134427] @Bigbaby [/ USER]? Onde você comprou o jogo?

Você pode postar uma captura de tela? Além disso, verifique suas ligações. Você pode não ter ações associadas aos seus botões. Vá para Configurações, depois Controlador. No menu Esquema, sugiro escolher Simplificado, Avançado ou Console (não personalizado). E a partir daí, você pode alterar as ligações para o que quiser, e isso criará uma configuração personalizada para você. Não comece com Custom. Pegue um esquema já existente e personalize-o, ele tira muitas das suposições.

Em que dispositivo você está? [USER = 174611] @ Anael63 [/ USER]? Onde você comprou o jogo?
jogos Game on LG k11 I bought the game on the playstore the game opened normally before today's update
Terraria not starting after update:(

Does this cover your issue?

El juego no se abre después de la actualización ... Tengo un Xiaomi MI A2 Lite y compré el juego en Play Store ...
Hello. After the update, I have a black screen ... Before the update, everything worked fine. I do not use a gamepad. Update Please fix it faster. Device: Xiaomi redmi 5 plus . Buy game in Play market


  • Screenshot_2020-04-06-21-59-07-170_com.and.games505.TerrariaPaid.jpg
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