Items More Celestial Weapons


Empress of Light


Hello, I'm SamTerrarium and welcome to the first suggestion! This is my first time that I didn't do the suggested out of my minds. Anyways here we go!

Celestial Weapons
Now you may think that I lied but no I had a idea about the Weapons! When I saw some Tools like Celestial Weapons I noticed that they're are two weapons on each types of weapons on a different pillars. I had a idea about the tools and well I need to use some ideas and I found some melee weapons like disk and sword, ranged stuffs are repeaters and any guns, magic stuffs are Staff and books, summoners stuffs are.....well......normal stuffs and I come up with a idea of it. Then they need more craftable suggestions on here and that's why it's time to start it up!

Solar Melee
Solar Sickle
Rarity: Orange
134 Melee Damaged
30 Used Times
5% Critical Strike
12 Knockback
High Velocity
Shoots some projectiles sickle to swing at your enemies and make a fire solar effect on enemies on it.

Rarity: Orange
129 Melee Damaged
27 Used Times
3% Critical Strike
14 Knockback
High Velocity
Throws the boomerang at the enemies on it and consumable to the solar effect.

Dawn of Disk
126 Melee Damaged
Rarity: Orange
25 Used Time
4% Critical Strike
20 Knockback
High Velocity
Throws the disk 10 Times and it can be thrown able on Melee.

Sun Sword
133 Melee Damaged
Rarity: Orange
29 Used Time
8% Critical Strike
30 Knockback
High Velocity
Swings the enemies and have a Solar Power effect and destroy the enemies.

127 Melee Damaged
Rarity: Orange
28 Used Time
8% Critical Strike
28 Knockback
High Velocity
Swing the Yoyo at the enemies and have a Solar Fire effect on them.

Vortex Ranged
Rarity: Greem
66 Ranged Damaged
Used Time 30
8 Velocity
Knockback (Variety)
12% Critical Strike
Shoots out the Lightning Vortex at the enemies.

Vortex Pistol
Rarity: Green
59 Ranged Damaged
Used Time 27
7 Velocity
Knockback (Variety)
10% Critical Strike
Shoots any darts from the enemies and electric themselves until they died.

Luminite Darts
Craft with 1 IMG_1441.PNG on a Ancient Manuplator.

Phantasmal Shotgun
Rarity: Green
70 Ranged Damaged
Used Time 31
11 Velocity
Knockback (Variety)
7% Critical Strike
Shoots a bullets from the enemies and electric them.

Nebula Magic
Nebula Speller
Rarity: Pink
96 Magic Damaged
Used Time 15
Used Mana 17
6 Velocity
5% Critical Strike
2 Knockback
A book that shoots out a 3 beam to their foes of it.

Nebulous Staves
Rarity: Pink
103 Magic Damaged
Used Time 14
Used Mana 18
8 Velocity
7% Critical Strike
4 Knockback
A staff that can shoots a flying nebulous shoots a foe and split it anyway.

Stardust Summoned
Stardustians Staff
Rarity: Blue
106 Summon Damaged
38 Used Time
Used Mana 15
7% Critical Strike
3 Knockback
Summons a Floating think that shoots a Stardust Magic spell to fight for you.

Well, that's all my ideas if you had a idea or suggested of yourself please let me know ok the I'll see you guys next time!

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maybe you could also place an sprite or make an doodle about it (since you are pretty good in it) but without it it is just a name and some stats...(what isnt that much info...)
maybe you could also place an sprite or make an doodle about it (since you are pretty good in it) but without it it is just a name and some stats...(what isnt that much info...)
Well, the problem is I am sprinting but I can sprite good enough because I need more shading and less shading
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