Nationality :)

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I'm from Canada. And although the weather isn't bad as many people exaggerate it to be, we had 5 days of snow in September (though the next time we had any was November). Branches were falling off of trees because the snow was falling on the leaves that hadn't fallen, which were producing so much weight the tree couldn't handle it.

[EDIT] I also live in Alberta which is southwest Canada.
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I am from the US, more specifically southern California. The weather is not as nice as it is on TV or in movies, the rain is causing landslides and the fog is making the landslides invisible. Landslides are surprisingly stealthy, they rolled a 20 on their Move Silently check to sneak attack Malibu for plus 3d4 damage.
USA, Mississippi.

Snow is rare, heat is too often.
Perfect for those who hate snow and don't want to move to another country.
Horrible for those who love snow(like me).
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