IC Neo Transpirence

"*Well that can't have been through me, seeing as we've never met before.*"
He could see the one he's talking to not spreading it either.
"*Well, we found a portal, and on the other side was a lab. The hydra you see there touched a sample in there and got infected, then I touched the same sample... we were wondering if there is a cure, because the orbs don't work. Also, they mentioned an egg, do you know anything about that?*"
"*I... I have many questions, but the first thing I want to know, is what kind of void we're infected with. Only our blood spreads it, and our minds aren't affected. The few reports that were in the lab said something about stopping the void from spreading, and to get rid of the mental effects, but they didn't seem to have much detail on what happened from what I remember.*"
"*It's an experimental one, I can't tell how exactly it's different from the normal one, but I do know it's different enough.*"
"*I have things to do elsewhere so you just figure your things out on your own. And I'd recommend getting this place isolated. I can of course try to get a crew to handle it, but don't count on it.*"
The void dragon is then gone using void glide.
The infected that had grouped here are still doing nothing.
"*I'm... not sure.*"
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