IC Neo Transpirence

"|Well, I'll tell you where you need to spread our gift to then.|"
Harris continues acting like he is spreading the infection, being careful to remember where he already went so he doesn't repeat an area.
Thracia follows him, taking different spots, looking every time at the spot to check if she could actually see it being infected, of course not seeing as such.
And Rune is following as well.
Rune gets back after a while, carrying a few small infected objects.
(Also, just going to mention, Rune still has that knife going through their horn.)
"|Can try.|"
Rune then tries some rune.
And it seems to work.
"|She'll probably be out for a while.|"
"|Well, I guess I'll have to think of something... Rune, if I cut Thracia, and put these objects in where she was cut, and you did a life rune, could it heal around the object and keep it in place?|"
"|It might work, don't think it'll feel too good for her though, not that I know how having a wound heal around something would feel.|"
"|Well, I can think of something that would explain the pain, it's just I don't know how else to fool Thracia like this, and her seeing she is spreading the void would help with her sanity.|"
"|Don't forget, she probably won't remember any of this after the mind-altering effect ends so she'd be back to how she was before I did this, but that'll require it to specifically be ended.|"
"|We'd probably have to end the effect eventually anyway. I could try to make some other mind-alteration but... I'd rather have her actually get better than it just be the effect of whatever runes I have on her.|"
So Rune goes to end the effect.
"|That just has the problem that she might not actually get better. Really, I don't think we can do much on our own to keep ourselves from... well, ending up like her.|"
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