PC New wiring items upon 1.4 update


Some friends of mine and I have checked through changelog, Builder's workshop and source code and found a number of new wiring items. The process was manual so it's possible that we missed something. The wiki has been updating but have not yet reached many we have studied, so I decide to post whatever we know here.

  • According to changelog, Goblin, Eyeball, Hornet, Imp, and Corrupt Statues now spawn enemies.
  • According to changelog, Water Candle and Peace Candle now react to activations.
  • Added 45 new Music Boxes which have all been updated on Wiki.
  • Added Boulder Statue, Bast Statue and some new critter statues.
  • Added lots of themed furnitures, of which torches, trapped chest, etc. can be wired.
  • Added toilets. A toilet ejects 2 to 5 pieces of s**t along with an invisible projectile on activation.
  • Added two monoliths. Blood Moon Monolith activates a blood-moon-red filter. Void Monolith activates a moonlord-cyan-white filter. The filters can add up.
  • Added two water fountains: Oasis and Cavern.
  • Doors can serve as signal sources. Didn't know it on 1.3.
  • Added two timers: 1/2 sec and 1/4 sec.
  • Added some two-state furnitures for display purpose: Mini Volcano, Large Volcano, Plasma Lamp.
  • Added Grate. It is a solid block but can be wired to let only liquid pass.
  • Added Fog Machine. To see the fog it emits, you need to go to settings and turn 'blood effect' on. Set lighting mode to 'color' to make the fog thicker.
  • Added Orange Pressure Plate which activates and disappears on being stepped by a player.
  • Added Dead Man's Chest. You must know it as long as you have played 1.4 for a while. Note that it will activate on right click but not necessarily on closing, e.g. when the player leaves the chest to let it auto-close.
  • Firework Rockets now inflict 3 invincibility ticks.
  • Added Golf Cup. See wiki.
Below is a capture of all new wiring items. Some music boxes are out of screen because there are too many of them. Themed furnitures are omitted. Golf Cup is not added because we don't know how the golf system work yet.
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i think the new cracked dungeon brick is worth mentioning
- can be crafted from dungeon brick in a heavy work bench, yields 2 cracked dungeon brick from 1 regular brick.
- when walked/jumped on the top by the player, starts falling and will cascade all cracked bricks below it and has a chance of doing so to bricks horizontally adjacent to it.
- it took me an average of 3 jumps to start a cascade
- attempting to mine or grapple it will start a cascade immediately
- the falling projectile can activate teal pressure pads
- enemies do not affect it.
- it will act as a solid block when a chest is placed on top. Walking on these blocks do not cause the cascading effect on adjacent ones.

this block could be used for adventure maps in parkour, traps, and as a way of controlling player progression.
A vertical wall with the top of it covered by solid blocks can only be cascaded by grappling or mining it.
hmm was hoping this wiring forum would be booming with new farms and such due to this update but it seems its a little dry ;( soz im not really contributing anything wish i was more talented
Anyone know if it's possible to stack boulders in terms of Y axis? It could be really useful for pre-hardmode traps, which replace spears entirely until one gets the picksaw. From what I see, I don't think it's possible to stack geysers, which is a real shame; they would be useful otherwise.

Also, are npc based batteries viable anymore? I doubt they are, given that dart + teal pp is super clean in comparison.
Anyone know if it's possible to stack boulders in terms of Y axis? It could be really useful for pre-hardmode traps, which replace spears entirely until one gets the picksaw. From what I see, I don't think it's possible to stack geysers, which is a real shame; they would be useful otherwise.

Also, are npc based batteries viable anymore? I doubt they are, given that dart + teal pp is super clean in comparison.
you can place boulders on top of eachother i know that much haha
From what I see, I don't think it's possible to stack geysers, which is a real shame; they would be useful otherwise.

Geysers are actually kind of autostacking. If there isn't enough space where their "crater(?)" is, they look further untill they find free space to spawn their flame.

These three spawn their flamses on same level, above the top stone block row:
Capture 2020-06-11 14_04_39.png

These spawn flames below bottom row:
Capture 2020-06-11 14_13_29.png

You can also "unstack" them tho there's no good reason for it, by making them float in air by removing teleporters underneath:
Capture 2020-06-11 14_01_47.png

Capture 2020-06-11 14_02_36.png

Iirc I think there's need to stack more than three, because their hitbox lingers for a while even after gfx are seemingly gone, but haven't played with them much.
P.S. Ignore dummy and bottom switch, they're unrelated, I just built this demo above them.
Doors can serve as signal sources. Didn't know it on 1.3.
Can you recheck this? Tried ingame and regular wooden doors don't seem to activate wires neither from the hinge nor from opened state tiles. Even tested if they maybe only activated from town npc interactions but nothing. Suppose it could also be when bloodmoon/dungeon zombies break a door, but slightly more annoying to test.

Yay, double posting, but it's regarding a different issue and post, so hopefully allowed.
Bast statues can be turned on or off, which is (if my mingling around proves to be good enough) impossible to do without wiring. Not sure why you would do this, but it's definitely a thing.
Bast statues can be turned on or off, which is (if my mingling around proves to be good enough) impossible to do without wiring. Not sure why you would do this, but it's definitely a thing.
That’s so ridiculously niche that I can’t even justify it with the phrase “adventure maps”
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