Hot Topic Post your Terraria hours!

How many hours do you have in Terraria?

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I have 700+ hours into Terraria. Most of that time is spent grinding or building. I usually tend to put a lot of time into games I really love playing so I'm not too surprised that I put so much time in into Terraria.
3257 hours since 1.2, although I've stopped playing since I finished Expert Mode in January.
Relax and take a deep breath. You're all normal people. Except Trilby Man. He's at least as nuts as I am.
I got Terraria about 10 days ago, according to my steam receipt, and I already have (rounding up) about 100 hours on the game. :dryadhappy:
I usually like to build things like artificial biomes, and one of my favorite moments was killing Moon Lord for the first time. It just felt so satisfying to watch him explode into light, I don't know why.
For me, I started on console for a few years, then mobile, and now pc.

I wanna say around 7000-8000 hours of playtime total from the very start of me buying Terraria to today.
I'm a no life, please send help.
While i'm not sure about my total hours, because i don't know how to check my times on xbox/Xbox one, I do know that I have 1073 hours in PC.
651 on my current account 410 on my old account

on my old account i played from august 2011 - december 2011 so if i did the math correctly i spent 14% of all of my time on terraria for those 4 months
I pretty much lived on the Terraria PVP server 2DFortz between the beginning of 2012 and end of 2013, logging at least 2500 hours. I'd do it again in a heartbeat if only I had the time >_>
I pretty much lived on the Terraria PVP server 2DFortz between the beginning of 2012 and end of 2013, logging at least 2500 hours. I'd do it again in a heartbeat if only I had the time >_>
geez i went there a few times but that's ridiculous
Steam says 1140 hours, but I beat Duke Fishron and built a ton of stuff on Xbox 360, so the real figure is much higher than that.

As for my favorite moment? There's no way that I can answer that with certainty, but one early moment that I really liked was when I stunlocked Brain of Cthulhu's second phase with an early Water Bolt. I deliberately built a caged-in arena to increase the density of ricocheting shots, but the sheer efficiency with which the bolts tore through the minion eyes and then the boss itself had me giggling manically. I didn't even have to move during the entire fight, and despite bringing along several summoning items, I simply obliterated them all with no effort, one after another. It was the first time I had ever felt truly powerful in the game.
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