Hot Topic Post your Terraria hours!

How many hours do you have in Terraria?

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I have around 800 hours on Steam, and at least 200 on mobile but no idea how much time was spent on my oldest (and now deleted) mobile characters.
i don't have an exact value but i definitely have over 1000 hours for sure if we count the pre-1.3 days which didn't measure playtime
already right now my two mains have 480 hours combined, plus another 80 hours from my secondary character, and my four playthroughs have an average of around 40 hours

And this is just on ps4, not even pc or ps3
250 hours in Steam and 430 in Tmod. I also have around a couple thousand in mobile. I can't really be sure though, because my Chromebook broke a while ago, so that's just an estimate.
Definitely somewhere above like 1500 hrs. On steam, tmod included, I have just over 900. I think on console something like at least 150. I estimate I probably have at least a few hundred hours on mobile back in 1.2 but I don't have access to that old apple ID nor do I think that the apple ID tracks hours or if it does now it probably didnt back in like 2015. I definetly play this game too much.
despite what my steam hours say, which is 996.3 hours, I have spent about triple that on Terraria over the years. a mix of Kindle Fire, Xbox 360, Xbox 1, and Computer will make your hours add up at sonic speeds.
edit: don't count Tmod hours unless it is 1.3, the more recent versions run Terraria at the same time to get Tmod to function
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