Return to Neibreth: A Sequel to a Text Adventure of mine... [Story based]

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Endzor Solar fires a sun beam at the Snifit!

The Skeleton Warriors beat down the Enclave Solider.

Endzor Solar thanks the Healslime!

Endzor Solar sets the Chomp Chariot on fire!

Endzor Solar vaporizes Iggy with a powerful sun beam!
3 actions with 1 Endzor? seemslegit.exe, I don't see any haste abilities. :p
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Current Time of Day: Night 1/8 [STORMING!]

~~~~Grant Redman (@Mr. Fury)~~~~ [MENTALLY SCARRED]
Current Location: Deer Gods Forest: Shrine Entrance.
HP: 170/170 DP: 151 LVL: 11
Party: Walter: 400/400

Grant: 170/170
Walter: 400/400
Gary: 0/100

Gary: HAH! Wait till Colonel Robert sees me return victoriously!
Grant Kicks gary, it did 75 damage
Walter attacks with a dual slash, SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH! it did 350 damage!
Gary falls over before jumping back up
Gary flees
Gained Nothing.

Walter: Well then.. the shrine awaits i suppose...
The two enter the Shrine.

~~~Deer God's Shrine~~~
~~~Blackout-owned dungeon~~~

Grant and walter walk inside, There is a present nearby,And a map on the wall... It's crudely made and obviously made by someone with no artistic talents...
Deer Gods shrine map.png

The room has a large statue of a deer creature, but weirdly strange black goo leaks from the mouth and eyes of it, You never seen this statue before, But even you know that the goop isn't supposed to be anywhere near that statue...
There is 5 doors, the middle door is locked, a sign says "The key is kept on one of the paths of survivors of old."
Also, there is a crafting table nearby. best keep that in mind if you need it.

Current Location: Endless Sand Sea: Stalago Empire Doktor
Team DP: 258
~~~~Secret (@Xmax360)~~~~
HP: 253/254 [IMPSCAR] LVL: 2
~~~~Invictus (@Madder)~~~~
HP: 355/355 LVL 2

The doktor heals up Invictus as well.
The ground shakes briefly as the entire kingdom starts moving
Doktor: Oh, seems Stalagosaur woke up..
I am indeed looking for an Assistant,You see, my last one quit after he failed to do his job, Real bad egg him, kept screaming "I THE ALMIGHTY GARY WILL DRAPE MYSELF IN YOUR BLOOD! FEAR ME! FEAR GOOMBA KIND!" Or something like that... I'd hire you as a full time assistant but... i can tell that you are adventurers with things still needing to be done, So for now, i could offer you small jobs, paid of course...

Current Location: Endless Sand Sea: Stalago Empire Mall
HP: 530/530 DP: 1,099 LVL: 10

Guy Fieri: Well... Yo-kai are spirit-like creatures,Plenty of aggressive ones all around the land, the machine outside the front door is the Crank-a-kai, insert a special coin in it and it'll give you a medal, that medal could summon a friendly Yo-kai to help you out.
The Different coins are what you'll get: From pink to Cyan gives you yo-kai of the: Charming,Brave,Tough,Mysterious,Heartful,Eerie,Shady and Slippery tribes, the Five Star ones can give one from any tribe, but will make sure they are good and strong, YEAH!

I'd give 100 DP for a working Pip-boy.

~~~~Endzor Green (@Sky High)~~~~
Current Location: Shadowplay Glade: The Tourvelle Cellar Arena.
HP: 265/265 DP: 400 LVL: 8

Endzor Solar: 530/530
Iggy Koopa: 235/300 [CHARIOT]
Chomp Chariot: 200/200
Enclave Soldier: 0/110
Snifit: 0/75
Healslime: Fled

Endzor Black hops into the bright light caused by Greens portal, Endzor Green becomes Endzor Solar!
Endzor Solar fires a sun beam at the snifit! it did 100 damage!
The Skeleton Army beats down on the Enclave Soldier, they in total did 140 damage!
The Skeleton Army returns to the dust of the earth...
The Healslime fled the fight!
Iggy fires a magic blast at Endzor Solar, it did 75 damage.

Chomp Chariot: *Barks*
Iggy: Yah ha ha!

(You don't have haste or anything to give you three turns, as such you only attacked the snifit...)

~~~~Zell (@Creeper37500)~~~~
Current Location: Kazul Coastline: Near the Adamanturtle Plains
HP: 489/545 [CAT SCRATCH] DP: 70 LVL: 6

HHG: Excellent, Me and my employers will be keeping owl eyes on you... Oh and... You best hurry along, Night falls...
Hoo hoo hoooooo!

Hooting-Ham Gore flies off.
Hmmmm, did somebody draw this map in MS Paint or Something? Because otherwise, there is no realistic way a map could look this crude unless it was drawn by a guy with Parkinsons Disease, or a 2 year old. Anyway, the path of the one free man interests me, I'd hate to see what the trial of the wastelander is though... What's your opinion Walter, got any you want to see first?
I think I'm seeing a pattern of Grant having the longest updates dedicated to him, maybe you could share a little bit of that creative energy with some of the other characters? :p I mainly say this because while I am having fun, I don't want the others to feel left out. :p
Doktor: Well... you see, back on the ground, closeby there is a train station, i have plenty of special cargo on this train, i really could use someone who can fetch me some of my medical supplies from it, Oh, and as a reward, you can keep anything non-medical you find on the express. You know, i remember storing a star shaped rock that i found on that train, could be worth a lot!
Henry Huldon (TheGuy)
He is a strong dark magic user, and is usually "think first, act later"
Max Hp: 230/230 (Max is 500)
DP: 50 (DP is money, it defaults to 100)
Base ATK: 50 (Short for base attack)
Items: Star pendant, dagger
Ability: Magic blast (basic attack)
Ability: Can make a dark tentacle thing to grab people
Ability: Kind of skilled with his dagger, but uses it only when magic fails
Ability: Can phase through walls because of pendant
One Time Ability: Berserk: All attacks do 20 more dmg

As stated above, he is quite skilled and versatile with magic, but it is much weaker if he is badly wounded. His Berserk attacks also inflict a Poison debuff, but if he tries using it when he isn't ready, he poisons himself instead
His dagger is... just a normal dagger and does 20 dmg, while his magic blasts do 50 (is that too op?)
His star pendant might be useful for other things, but he hasn't figured that out...
I hope this is better.
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I didn't see a character app anywhere ;-;
[doublepost=1508313755,1508313739][/doublepost]UGGHHH IM SO SORRY
I didn't see a character app anywhere ;-;
Hi there @TheGuy , DGI's unofficial cleanup 'crew' here, I typically do 'indepth' character analysis for almost every character app, this is usually to help with getting characters accepted, fixing formatting, or asking specifics. The reformatting is to make the app as consumable as possible, and it makes it easier to critique the app. I tend to be a bit less rough with new players, as I don't wanna scare them off.

Blue is Positive/Encouragement.
Red is Negative.
Purple is Questioning and Concerns.
Green is usually just personal opinions/mentions of reformatting and usually shouldn't be taken as seriously as the 3 above.

Henry Huldon (OC) (TheGuy)
He is a strong dark magic user, and is usually "think first, act later"
Max Hp: 230/230
DP: 50
Base ATK: 50
Items: Star Pendant:Allows the wearer to phase through walls. (I moved Phase Shift ability to here, as it is part of the item and not the character's feats by the way you described it)
Dagger (Could you specify any stats for this dagger, or perhaps give it a description?)
Ability: Magic Blast: Basic Attack.
Ability: Tentacle of Darkness: Summons a dark tentacle to grab target. (This is fine)
Ability: Weapon Proficiency;Dagger: (Could you elaborate on how your character's skill with a dagger helps him in combat? Like for example, haste, extra damage, etc.) (You don't need to necessarily state your character's methodology in your character app, it is better to go by it ingame)
One Time Ability: Berserk: All attacks do +20DMG for 1 battle. (You could probably get away with making the damage bonus higher, the 1 battle thing is how I assume DGI would treat this)
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