Shorter Respawn
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This mod allow customizing respawn time after death. The respawn times can be configured in-game.
This mod, when used alone, brings the Expert mode respawn time down to a much less annoying time, more inline with non-expert mode:
Non-Expert: 10 seconds
Non-Expert Boss: 20 seconds
Expert: 11.25 seconds (down from 15 seconds)
Expert Boss: 22.5 seconds (down from 30 seconds)
These values can be customized via the config:
When used in conjunction with HERO's Mod, an additional "cheat" option is available to players in the Extension Tools menu, provided they have the permissions given to them from the server admin:
This cheat, when toggled on, reduces the respawn time to 0 (instant!), which, if you die a whole lot, as you most likely will in Expert mode, (and especially if you are playing with 30x boosted spawn rates....) is a great time saver.
Here is the cheat setting in action (0 seconds as opposed to the reduced time if this mod is used without Cheat Sheet or HEROs Mod):
The Code/Tutorial
The remainder of this thread will detail the whole mod (previous to v1.0, which added much more functionality). I've commented the source code to serve as an example of integrating with HERO's/Cheat Sheet, as I hope an example like this will help motivate other modders to code up Extension Tools for HEROs and Cheat Sheet.
using Terraria.ModLoader;
using Terraria;
using System;
namespace ShorterRespawn
public class ShorterRespawn : Mod
// A true/false value we'll use for the "cheat" functionality of this mod.
internal bool instantRespawn = false;
public ShorterRespawn()
Properties = new ModProperties()
Autoload = true, // We need Autoload to be true so our ModPlayer class below will be loaded.
// We integrate with other mods in PostSetupContent.
public override void PostSetupContent()
Mod cheatSheet = ModLoader.GetMod("CheatSheet");
Mod herosMod = ModLoader.GetMod("HEROsMod");
// Prefer Heros Mod
if (herosMod != null)
//ErrorLogger.Log("Integrating with HEROs Mod");
// If Heros isn't available, try ChearSheet
else if (cheatSheet != null)
//ErrorLogger.Log("Integrating with Cheat Sheet");
//ErrorLogger.Log("No Integration");
catch (Exception e)
ErrorLogger.Log("ShorterRespawn PostSetupContent Error: " + e.StackTrace + e.Message);
instantRespawn = false;
// This is the old, not-so-convenient way of doing things, using the Mod.Call method.
private void SetupCheatSheetIntegration(Mod cheatSheet)
if (!Main.dedServ)
// "AddButton_Test" is a special string, in the future, other strings could represent different types of buttons or behaviors
instantRespawn = false;
// The New way in
private void SetupCheatSheetIntegration(Mod cheatSheet)
((CheatSheet.CheatSheet)cheatSheet).RegisterButton(GetTexture("InstantRespawnButton"), InstantRespawnButtonPressed, InstantRespawnTooltip);
private void SetupHEROsModIntegration(Mod herosMod)
// Add Permissions always.
// Special string
// Permission Name
// Permission Display Name
"Modify Personal Respawn Time"
// Add Buttons only to non-servers (otherwise the server will crash, since textures aren't loaded on servers)
if (!Main.dedServ)
// Special string
// Name of Permission governing the availability of the button/tool
// Texture of the button. 38x38 is recommended for HERO's Mod. Also, a white outline on the icon similar to the other icons will look good.
// A method that will be called when the button is clicked
// A method that will be called when the player's permissions have changed
// A method that will be called when the button is hovered, returning the Tooltip
// This method is called when the cursor is hovering over the button in Heros mod or Cheat Sheet
public string InstantRespawnTooltip()
return instantRespawn ? "Disable Instant Respawn" : "Enable Instant Respawn";
// This method is called when the button is pressed using Heros mod or Cheat Sheet
public void InstantRespawnButtonPressed()
instantRespawn = !instantRespawn;
// This method is called when Permissions change while using HERO's Mod.
// We need to make sure to disable instantRespawn when we are no longer allowed to use the tool.
public void PermissionChanged(bool hasPermission)
if (!hasPermission)
instantRespawn = false;
// This class is the actual mod code that reduces the respawn timer when the player dies.
public class ShorterRespawnPlayer : ModPlayer
public override void Kill(double damage, int hitDirection, bool pvp, string deathText)
// If we are cheating
if ((mod as ShorterRespawn).instantRespawn)
player.respawnTimer = 0;
// otherwise, if we just want the time reduced to a more typical level
if (Main.expertMode)
player.respawnTimer = (int)(player.respawnTimer * .75);
author = jopojelly
version = 0.2.2
displayName = Shorter Respawn Time
homepage =
hideCode = false
hideResources = false
includeSource = true
//weakReferences = [email protected] -- This is a feature.
Cuts the respawn time after death in Expert Mode to be much closer to Normal Mode times.
When used in conjunction with either HERO's Mod or Cheat Sheet, an toggle button for instant respawns becomes available in the respective menus. When both are loaded, HERO's mod will take precedence since integration with HERO's mod allows for use of the permissions system.
BTW, the specific respawn time adjustments and the idea for this mod came from @Applevac
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