Showcase your headquaters!

This isn't my main world. It's just a house I felt like making for my Summoner character in my Summoner playthrough I was doing.

I'm actually planning on doing a fallout style vault, i can logically do everything i want and still be themed >:D
I've only ever made 2 real "base" like buildings (excluding all the boring/bad ones). One was a spooky mansion made out of Spooky Wood, which was made when the Pumpkin Moon first was released. It was made on a friends server that we played on, and the map is currently no longer with us D':

The second one would be my entry for the Halloween contest a while back. This one was ALSO made on the same guys server, but this time I have an image of it (so I could participate in the contest ;D)

Maybe not the best building in the world, but I enjoyed building this, and that's what matters :)
This isn't quite finished yet, but this is what I'm currently working on. It's not much compared to some of the stuff in this thread, but I'm proud of it. This is the entrance to the right side of the compound. Probably going to put a gatehouse like I have on the other side at some part of it. You can also see the large crafting area in this picture.
Here is the top of the main towers. The bottom is basically the same except with a small armory room, so I didn't bother screencapping it.
Finally, here's the bridge on the left side, and the gate/wall thing I built there.
I haven't been building much yet. Still trying to beat the game. Hopefully when I get into building, I can build something nice like you all :> Here's my current base on Xb1


I wish I could create some HQ like these, but my imagination and creativity was all drained away from me by that cube called tv ;(

I've been meaning to post a picture of this somewhere, but I could never tell where to do it. Anyway, this is the first house I've actually decided to be creative with, and it's just something I three together with materials after exploring a cave a bit. The blue torched thing will lead to a trophy room, someday.

The image may be a bit stretched, I couldn't figure out how to get Paint to work with me.
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