Sprites Skeletrompet (It's exactly what it sounds like)


This is dumb. But I have to.
This is a Skeletron.

This is a trumpet.

I am giving the Skeletron a trumpet. Actually, I'm giving the Skeletron 2 trumpets.

During Halloween, and when in possession of the Magical Harp, destroying one of Skeletron's hands while fighting him will spawn a trumpet next to his head, which orbits around him until the fight ends.
The trumpet fires Note projectiles every 2 seconds, the same projectiles as the Magical Harp's. The velocity the projectile flies at is greater the farther you are from the trumpet.
Destroying Skeletron's second hand will spawn a second trumpet opposite of the first, which also doubles both trumpets' firing speed.
In Expert Mode, instead of Note projectiles, the trumpets will fire the homing skulls Skeletron would usually fire. HOWEVER.
The skulls also have trumpets.

And they fire Note projectiles directly at you.
In Normal and Expert Mode, the trumpets can be destroyed, which, presumably, make things easier. But WHAT IF.
The boss music became trumpets when the trumpets spawned. Would you destroy them then?
Probably. And I don't blame you.
Defeat Skeletrompet Prime (he wouldn't actually be called that) while in possession of a Magical Harp, and you'll have a 33% chance of netting yourself your very own...
Magical Trumpet.

No, I am not kidding.
"Oh look it's another Magic Instrument. I wOndER iF It'S A mAGiC weApOn."
It's not, actually. It's a Summon weapon.
Using it will summon an orbiting trumpet around you. This trumpet will fire Notes every second when enemies are in range, which last 4 seconds and pierce and ricochet infinitely, like the Magical Harps. What's different is that the projectile velocity depends on the closest enemy's distance from you, not the cursor's. However, this, uh, kinda really sucks.
At least until you summon in more Trumpets. For every extra trumpet, all trumpets attack 25% faster, and also cover your bum better, as they'll all be evenly-spaced.
It's like a group of musicians: your sound stinks with one instrument, but throw in more and it becomes a harmonious bundle of music.
Or a cacophonous disaster. Both work in this case, I guess.

I will also be giving the Primest of Skeletrons four trumpets.

Because why not, at this point.
Skeletron Prime's trumpets can all combine to create one massive trumpet, which literally just fires entire Skeletons at you (directly at you, in Expert), which explode into bones on impact.

...Honestly, I might as well just give the Bone Skeletons their own trumpets, too. I've already gone this far.​
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http://:// Doot
So is the image just not gonna work
I'll drop a link
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We end-game people have no problem with additional challenges, though the newer players who play on Halloween week will suffer from the Trump
Rather than being in Halloween, there should be an item that makes both Skeletron and Skeletron Prime do this so players don't have a tougher boss fight due to fighting the boss in the wrong time.
We end-game people have no problem with additional challenges, though the newer players who play on Halloween week will suffer from the Trump
Rather than being in Halloween, there should be an item that makes both Skeletron and Skeletron Prime do this so players don't have a tougher boss fight due to fighting the boss in the wrong time.
Oh, uh, whoops. Thought I added that in. Gimme a moment.
This is dumb. But I have to.
This is a Skeletron.

This is a trumpet.

I am giving the Skeletron a trumpet. Actually, I'm giving the Skeletron 2 trumpets.

During Halloween, and when in possession of the Magical Harp, destroying one of Skeletron's hands while fighting him will spawn a trumpet next to his head, which orbits around him until the fight ends.
The trumpet fires Note projectiles every 2 seconds, the same projectiles as the Magical Harp's. The velocity the projectile flies at is greater the farther you are from the trumpet.
Destroying Skeletron's second hand will spawn a second trumpet opposite of the first, which also doubles both trumpets' firing speed.
In Expert Mode, instead of Note projectiles, the trumpets will fire the homing skulls Skeletron would usually fire. HOWEVER.
The skulls also have trumpets.

And they fire Note projectiles directly at you.
In Normal and Expert Mode, the trumpets can be destroyed, which, presumably, make things easier. But WHAT IF.
The boss music became trumpets when the trumpets spawned. Would you destroy them then?
Probably. And I don't blame you.
Defeat Skeletrompet Prime (he wouldn't actually be called that) while in possession of a Magical Harp, and you'll have a 33% chance of netting yourself your very own...
Magical Trumpet.

No, I am not kidding.
"Oh look it's another Magic Instrument. I wOndER iF It'S A mAGiC weApOn."
It's not, actually. It's a Summon weapon.
Using it will summon an orbiting trumpet around you. This trumpet will fire Notes every second when enemies are in range, which last 4 seconds and pierce and ricochet infinitely, like the Magical Harps. What's different is that the projectile velocity depends on the closest enemy's distance from you, not the cursor's. However, this, uh, kinda really sucks.
At least until you summon in more Trumpets. For every extra trumpet, all trumpets attack 25% faster, and also cover your bum better, as they'll all be evenly-spaced.
It's like a group of musicians: your sound stinks with one instrument, but throw in more and it becomes a harmonious bundle of music.
Or a cacophonous disaster. Both work in this case, I guess.

I will also be giving the Primest of Skeletrons four trumpets.

Because why not, at this point.
Skeletron Prime's trumpets can all combine to create one massive trumpet, which literally just fires entire Skeletons at you (directly at you, in Expert), which explode into bones on impact.

...Honestly, I might as well just give the Bone Skeletons their own trumpets, too. I've already gone this far.​
If you were more serious about this I would support it
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