Weapons & Equip Spectre Sword

MegaMage314 🌳

Living Tree
For my second suggestion, I decided to share an idea I had for a unique sword

Spectre Sword
Spectre Blade
Spectre Saber
Spirit Sword
Spirit Blade
Spirit Saber
Soul Sword
Soul Blade
Soul Saber
Life Saber


Damage: 80>50
Critical chance: 4%<24%
Use time: 25<15
Knockback: 5>3

Mythril anvil
Ectoplasm (12)
Chlorophyte Bar (12)

You might be wondering why I listed two different sets of stats. The reason is that this sword’s stats will be based the health of the player wielding it. At full health, its stats are the ones listed in red and the sword will be surrounded by a ghostly aura. This aura acts as an extension of the sword that doubles its length, meaning at full health this sword will have longer reach than the breaker blade. As the player’s health goes down, the stats will gradually shift towards the ones listed in blue and the aura will shrink. Once the player’s health goes down to 10%, the aura will go away completely, and its stats will stop on the blue ones above. If the player recovers their health, the stats will shift towards the red ones again. With the current stats I’ve created, (which might change) you would have a sword that deals a lot of damage and has longer reach than the breaker blade while at full health, and when you are nearly dead the sword will swing quickly and make a lot of critical hits.

And there it is, my second suggestion with my first (sort of) original sprite. Let me know what you think about it, and tell me if you have any ideas to improve it. I feel that a weapon like this would open up a lot of possibilities for future weapons with stats that change in different situations.
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That looks like the spectre sword I made a while back...except better...
View attachment 7334
Good suggestion btw.
thanks! my sprite had started out as a recolor of the palladium sword, and over time I kept adding details to make it unique.
how about stats go UP as player nears death?
like the sword is fed by your pain/suffering
originally the sword was going to have all its stats increase as the playes health went down, but I changed it because I didn't want the sword to be useless at full health
Seems a little strange, as the Spectre item tier was just magic and tools with ghostly range.
I think if we were to add a melee weapon to the mix, we might as well add some sort of ranged weapon. It'll feel like a complete set then.
I got the idea for a spectre sword from the fact that all the spectre tools have really long reach, so I made a sword with long reach as well. I don't have any ideas for a ranged or magic weapon made out ectoplasm though, so I probably won't make a suggestion for that.
I don't have any ideas for a ranged or magic weapon made out ectoplasm though, so I probably won't make a suggestion for that.
You don't need to make a magic weapon, as the Spectre staff already takes that place. It may be a drop and not a craft, but it still shares the same pallet and the word Spectre, and they're obtained at the same point in game.
The reason i suggested a ranged item is that it would be very strange if you added melee to a primarily caster set without expanding it to an all-class item set.
Maybe I'm tired, but are the stats messed up? The blue damage and knockback is less than the red but the others are higher.

Either way, this is a great suggestion. Nice sprite too. I would love to get some better gimmicky (can that word be used in a good way? well I'm using it here) melee weapons.
It's a unique concept, though I can see it getting kind of bothersome in battle.

And while the Dungeon is more based around magic, I can see this working in the game.
The stats aren't messed up,
Ah, I see. I think it would actually be good if the sword was worse at full health and all stats are better when low, kind of like Paper Mario with close call badges etc. Having it differently in half the stats seems weird, so one or the other might be better. Still a great idea though.
Damage: 70 - 80
Knock back: 4 - 7

There, the sword is now still useful at full health AND feeds on your missory and pain to get stronger.
honestly I think the transition is pretty cool it's like your blood butcher is turning into a light's bane as you get lower on hp
I like this idea! Keep up the good work! I was wondering if you'd be fine if I made a thread similar to this one.
I like everything, except the sword itself. The specre armor/set/whatever is meant to be an endgame mage set, so a sword would be kinda out of place. I do like the concept of how the stats change and how though :joy:
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