Game Mechanics Suggestion on map marker or set-point draw


I m wondering why there is no mod interested on making a map marker system or even simple map setpoint mod that we can just mark/draw logo to mark down place of interest been implement?
Its quite hard to memorize every little biome like thorium or spirit mod installed. Really hope this kind of feature can be in the game itself !
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I've never had any issues remembering where certain things are in the world (even if I have Tremor, Spirit, Thorium, and Calamity all in one world like I currently do). But even so, I would love to have a feature or mod like that for convenience and quick travel to important areas, especially on large worlds.
By looking at it yes i does need to remember those area by the biome colour but to let someone of my friends know that the area is for something else to notice was a pain hard way..
Something to draw in the map for logo note will be enough then using a small little sign board was kinda hard to notice.
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