Tavernkeep Spawn

I'm struggling to get the tavernkeep to spawn. I'm looking around at the underground layer (confirmed with Cell Phone/PDA). I am aware there is a bug where the life form analyzer or w/e doesn't locate the tavernkeep. Even so, I've searched an ENTIRE HOUR for this guy. I've beaten the moon lord on this world. In addition I've repeatedly beaten the eater of worlds hoping this would fix things.

Is there something I'm missing? I'm a seasoned veteran of the game and if there's anything I've learned, it's that things can be easily overlooked in the game. Please help me out, or let me know you've experienced something similar.
He's lying down initially, which makes him slightly more difficult to spot.

I found him in the Cavern layer, if that helps -- in a relatively "open" area, like that which is required for the Wizard and Goblin Tinkerer to appear.

Specifically it was in a granite biome. I simply kept moving around, in and out of the biome, til he appeared. It took me roughly 20 minutes.
Thanks for the help. I ended up using a hunter potion and battle potion, as well as went deeper to the cavern layer (they updated the wiki about where he spawns :p). Found him in like 2 minutes after the potions.
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