Single Thread RP Terraria Good Vs. Bad Forum Roleplay

In a far alternate reality than our own, lied a small village, just beginning to get formed. Only a few houses had appeared, but quickly the villagers realized that none of them were alike. They started bickering, and joining sides; The good side, and the bad side. They waged an ongoing war on each other, taking every chance they could get at destroying the other side. The village split, with settlements being created everywhere; Space, Underground, Far into the hills, even in the Oceans. Monster and man joined sides, creating settlements in even the most despicable of places. The underworld, deep in holes in the corruption, far into the mountains of the crimson. More and more people joined this large battle over time, but the war raged ever on and on.
Begin below:
I look on from a nearby cliff at the settlement in the Brimstone crags, watching the evil side mine the rare materials held deep in the black stone.
They didn't know it, but I have been watching this particular village for a while now.

I think im starting to like them.
Character: Basilisk mount
Name: Orchamut
Side: Good
Biome: Desert
Text color: F37934
Abilities: Fast, heavy, and tougher than he thinks. Jumps high. Can ram into things and bite them.

Backstory: A descendant of the basilisks trained by the ancient desert civilization as mounts. He is peaceful to humans and has mostly lived alone in the desert caverns.
Character: Basilisk
Name: Scarab
Side: Bad
Biome: Desert
Text color: F7DA64
Abilities: Lacking armor, she is faster and more vicious than Orchamut but less sturdy and heavy. Fangs and horn are dangerous.

Backstory: A wild basilisk born in the underground desert. Will attack humans and sometimes competes for food with Orchamut.
That other universe that got destroyed?
yeah, I know of it.
I see... so Redigit told you it had been destroyed... Interesting...
What really happened, is that Redigit erased the original file, destroying it forever... But with the combined efforts of everyone and everything that existed before it was destroyed...
We gave Redigit a cookie. It snuck its way onto the internet by hiding itself in an image, and when the internet crawlers made it public, Dark Gear downloaded it.
Then he uploaded it onto Character AI, and Terraria: Otherworld was reborn. It learned... it evolved... it made enemies, bosses, biomes, and me.
And now here I am, in the original Terraria, through a portal of my own making.

(none of this actually happened btw)
I see... so Redigit told you it had been destroyed... Interesting...
What really happened, is that Redigit erased the original file, destroying it forever... But with the combined efforts of everyone and everything that existed before it was destroyed...
We gave Redigit a cookie. It snuck its way onto the internet by hiding itself in an image, and when the internet crawlers made it public, Dark Gear downloaded it.
Then he uploaded it onto Character AI, and Terraria: Otherworld was reborn. It learned... it evolved... it made enemies, bosses, biomes, and me.
And now here I am, in the original Terraria, through a portal of my own making.
Wow. I didn't think Redigit and Fabsol would lie to us.
Why did you come here?

And also, you haven't landed in the normal Terraria as you may have thought.
You've landed in a mod, called Calamity.
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