Standalone Terraria Industrial Revolution

bugs... PREPARE TO DIE!!! srsly though this is gonna be a sick mod (in a good way of course :p )

EDIT: bloody hell 170MB? thats something you wouldnt expect from something as simple as a mod, heck this is almost the size of terraria on its own!
P.S. it seems i have already found a bug upon launch, the sound is disabled, and when i try to turn it on it auto disables itself again.
P.S. it seems i have already found a bug upon launch, the sound is disabled, and when i try to turn it on it auto disables itself again.

You gotta provide the logs for it to be of any use.
Use alt+print screen when the log comes up, then go to a word document and paste the image.
Save that, using a right click and "save image..."
Then upload it to an image sharing service, I reccomend Imgur.
It'll help with the termination of the bugs process.
Okay so few things. The size is much larger than Terraria in its entirety. This is almost exclusively because of the new music. If you look for the WaveBank2 file you'll see what I mean. Also this isn't just a Mod you are downloading this is the full game as of that was source modded rather extensively. This isn't just another run of the mill mod where textures were replaced and/or items were added with an API.

Now as for the sound thing... This is a natural product of original Terraria code. It is programmed to turn the audio volume to 0 after enough errors playing music occur. At 60 FPS this will quickly happen. Some things that have made this occur before were when audio files weren't registering. I just tested and damn if my music is muting too. When I run the client manually without the launcher it works. How odd. I'll look into it. In the mean time, run the game manually. The launcher really is just soooo basic it shouldn't cause issues but obviously something is up.

A note on logs... Only game crashing errors are part of the error logging. Good thinking though. Thanx for the feed back. I'm meeting with Joel in 15 mins. When I get back I'll look into this.
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Okay, while playing in an industrial sized world, after generation, it seems as if the jungle, and the dungeon, didn't spawn at all.
I'm attempting to see if the underworld generated correctly. Is this an intended feature?
Alright, got some screenshots too.


A small visual glitch from the underworld to the cavern layer, not really needed to be fixed, but it is there.


A major problem is this. The underworld, Jungle, Ice, Dungeon, Corruption/Crimson and all mini biomes in their entirety not generating in industrial sized worlds. Structures also seem to be broken, not showing up at all. However, the core and modded biomes are generating, and the only three vanilla biomes appearing are purity, desert, and beach.


As you can see, the core biome is indeed working.
Hahah. Sorry about that. Good eye. Because I chose to leave the dev code in place, the world generator swaps from normal world gen to a special mode where I can individually turn on and off biomes and certain other generation items. ATM the settings are to not generate most things. I'm going to change the DL when I figure out that unusual music bug. Please stand by.
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I'm having a blast exploring an industrial sized world in this mod. I found an ice cave and explored it for over 50 minutes (and I'm somewhat agile exploring), yet I felt I didn't explore half the cave.

The cool thing is how it is fun to navigate underground despite it's huge size, because despite the map being immense, caves are numerous and long enough that there is always an easy way to get to the next cave stream. There are also many chests and hearts, so it is great to bring friends. Noone will struggle over who gets to keep what as they progress because there will be enough for everyone.

Also if you are playing multiplayer there's room for everyone. Groups will scatter or focus and still take a good time to feel satisfied, while more individual players will surely find an untouched corner to dig in.

Sure, it didn't get 1.3 features yet, but this mod has an original touch that makes it a great choice to play through. I've been waiting this mod to come out for so many months... it deservers more attention. I'm gonna invite everyone I can to play with me, it's awesome.

I like to take my time so I have only beaten Eye of Cthulhu so far. I also blew up two shadow orbs but finding that meteorite won't be simple!

Thank you for making this, it's all I thought it would be and then some.

EDIT: Oh, I almost forgot: whenever I remove furniture from where it's placed, say chests, it gets dropped but visually the tile is still there. I can't use the chest anymore since I did pick it up, but it shows as if I didn't break it. So, bug report.
I am not sure of this, but is this mod porting to 1.3? If so than I see why this is taking so long to update.
Ive downloaded this version before from the alpha link, and this still seems to not work. Ive added the game as a non steam game, and even tried running the .exe through TModLoader. Do I need to install this in a clean, terraria directory?
Have a look at this and try to install it through there:
I'm not sure if it will work but it's worth a shot. Also I don't think you'd need to install in a clean directory unless you have any other mods installed. So yeah try that out and see if it works.
Have a look at this and try to install it through there:
I'm not sure if it will work but it's worth a shot. Also I don't think you'd need to install in a clean directory unless you have any other mods installed. So yeah try that out and see if it works.
I got a clean, install of Terraria, and installed the mod into that. I tried the mod and it was still expired, so I set my clock time back, and the mod is now running fine. Thanks for the help though :)
Sorry for the late response. I haven't seen any posts in quite a while so I haven't visited as often as usual. It is entirely intentional that these releases stop working. These releases are mostly placebo for those thinking there is nothing here but vaporware. I don't consider them much of a release yet and they by-pass the steam requirement, so I put time/date restrictions on them. A by product of the later is that these releases should work even easier than a normal release would. You can literally start T-IR from where ever you want. The only catch is if you want the Starmap to shade worlds green when you have steam friends on that world. That requires steam integration and that requires T-IR be started from the Terraria directory.

Don't bother with launching T-IR with programs it's not at all necessary.

T-IR is no longer a part of any single release. There is content from Terraria v1.2.4.1 and v1.3 in T-IR. T-IR does NOT require any particular Terraria release or even that a version of Terraria is installed. It only requires that the person owns Terraria to play.

The past month has been productive (finally). The explosives mechanic is nearly finished. It's pretty sweet I must say. You can set off explosives tiles with regular bombs. In fact, you can chain react explosives of all types. There are budget and premium versions of bombs, dynamite, and explosives now. They vary in their destructive power. There are complementary sticky version for bombs and dynamite. There is a new explosives tile. It does quite a bit more damage and more radius than the normal explosives. there is also a pretty unique explosive that actually places on top of tiles like wire except it's always visible. It chains like all explosives do. Its radius is rather small but it packs a lot of damage. It's primarily a controlled demolition tool. It should allow for rather precise lines, column, and such to be mined out fast.

I finally got around to fix some long outstanding minor bugs like the one mentioned several posts back (the hell background alignment bug). A lot of work has gone into finalizing a lot of loose ends. Hopefully some quality content can be produced going forwards. Then I think T-IR will be worth an official release.
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Sorry for the late response. I haven't seen any posts in quite a while so I haven't visited as often as usual. It is entirely intentional that these releases stop working. These releases are mostly placebo for those thinking there is nothing here but vaporware. I don't consider them much of a release yet and they by-pass the steam requirement, so I put time/date restrictions on them. A by product of the later is that these releases should work even easier than a normal release would. You can literally start T-IR from where ever you want. The only catch is if you want the Starmap to shade worlds green when you have steam friends on that world. That requires steam integration and that requires T-IR be started from the Terraria directory.

Don't bother with launching T-IR with programs it's not at all necessary.

T-IR is no longer a part of any single release. There is content from Terraria v1.2.4.1 and v1.3 in T-IR. T-IR does NOT require any particular Terraria release or even that a version of Terraria is installed. It only requires that the person owns Terraria to play.

The past month has been productive (finally). The explosives mechanic is nearly finished. It's pretty sweet I must say. You can set off explosives tiles with regular bombs. In fact, you can chain react explosives of all types. There are budget and premium versions of bombs, dynamite, and explosives now. They vary in their destructive power. There are complementary sticky version for bombs and dynamite. There is a new explosives tile. It does quite a bit more damage and more radius than the normal explosives. there is also a pretty unique explosive that actually places on top of tiles like wire except it's always visible. It chains like all explosives do. Its radius is rather small but it packs a lot of damage. It's primarily a controlled demolition tool. It should allow for rather precise lines, column, and such to be mined our fast.

I finally got around to fix some long outstanding minor bugs like the one mentioned several posts back (the hell background alignment bug). A lot of work has gone into finalizing a lot of loose ends. Hopefully some quality content can be produced going forwards. Then I think T-IR will be worth an official release.
the waiting has payed off... the industrial revolution has begun!
That is a HUGE download for a single mod. (My terrible internet strikes again! Stupid terrible internet mumble mumble...) Anyways good thing I can go to sleep though.
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