Member-Run Project Terrarians in Real Life

I'm thinking the next scene for TIRL involving darthmorf will either concern betrayal, or this other idea I had in mind but has now disappeared--:red:.
Very creative writing here. Really brings out the personalities of all these wonderful people. Amazing job so far!
Barry Angelstatue, News Reporter:

"Hello, this is Barry Angelstatue reporting live in London, it looks we've got a mafia outbreak in the streets. They go by the name: "The Saltshakers", this can't be any good." Walking, all armed with three-barrel shotguns, were Tiru, Bluebeard, and Plaguerion. The three of them were uniformed in classic tailored suits in black, buttoned up to a flared collar. On their left-breast pockets were 'TS', obviously being an acronym for their group name. Forces of policemen kept jumping to take them down, but bullets were being shot at speeds that were surreal. "These three just won't stop, and the police are running low on reinforcements. The army are to come soon if nothing can block their path."

It was obvious that they were walking towards the bank, and the police blockades were a sign of that. Even then, none of the trio battered an eyelid, and continued shooting their way through the forces of men and women. Every time someone went to reload, another would take their back, and then proceed as normal. They followed a fluctuating pattern change, allowing all three of them to stand strong. A few yards ahead, police cars were lined in the street, blocking the road and pavements. Using their vehicles as cover, the police kept shooting at them and the bullets had no impact. It was if the suits were made of something impenetrable, but surely that wasn't the case.

An obese policeman charges into Tiru, knocking him back, to find three bullets sprawled across his visage horrifically. The more and more officers that are killed, the more come in from their respective vehicles and join in the fight. It's a massacre. "It looks like the police aren't doing a good job of blocking the attackers, despite their best efforts. We'll be --" Barry Angelstatue falls to the ground, bullets dotting his reporter uniform, staining it with a crimson blood. His eyes sink down and his skin becomes a sickened pale, before the camera drops to the ground and smashes against the concrete floor, sending the audio into a soft, nightmarish, fizz.

One of the police vehicles was charging right to them, when Plaguerion unfolded the wings he had concealed behind his back, and let it manoeuvre into the blockage straight in front of their way. This created an open pathway, where they could walk straight past the officers that were sending bullet after bullet from their guns. Most of the bankers and customers had already evacuated from the bank building, but there remained a small few. Tiru shoots at the chains and locks keeping the door together, where the glass shatters into a hundred shards.

"Alright, people, listen up!" Bluebeard smiles and begins chuckling. "You're our hostages."

Featured Members:

- @Lord Plaguerion ,
- @Teal ,
- @Pixel .
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