Member-Run Project Terrarians in Real Life

I do one every week, either on Thursdays or Fridays. So the next segment will be 'uploaded' today. And Captain Bluebeard will be 'uploaded' tomorrow.
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Caramiltdansen, Prisoner:

It was dark at night and she could see Steef tapping away at the keyboard, entering information he possessed into the computer. The screen didn't show much of a document, but rather a site, which perked her curiosity. "Steef, get us out!" Steef turned around from his seat and rested an arm against its back, staring blankly into Helena's eyes. To her side, Nageru was fast asleep and chained a lot more excessively.

"Your execution is tomorrow, Helena, think happy moments whilst you still live." Darthmorf and David Princer were loving every bit of this, watching from the surveillance camera feed. They had pretended to go to sleep in their individual quarters, but had in fact snuck up to the security room and were using the cameras for their entertainment. Not only could they watch as the three of them communicated, but they could simulate sounds and noises to alert them. Darthmorf pressed at a green button on a panel, listed 'Gunfire'.

"Steef, get us--" The sound of gunfire interrupted her speech as she moved to look around, still restricted by her cuffs. "What the hell was that?!" Steef thought nothing of it, and returned to the bright light of the computer monitor that sat inches away from his eyes. Soon he'd get some rest, but he had work to do. Caramilt at this time was fed up, and relaxed her shoulders against the table. She closed her eyes and dozed off into a sleep. Why would Steef betray his best friends like this? It wasn't him. It was almost as if he'd been poisoned or brainwashed into thinking of himself as separate from the two of them. There must've been a reason; killing never had been a light subject for Steef.


Two blocks of wood were placed on the floor. The execution was taking place outside the laboratory, as tradition went, and Steef had been armed with a large axe that executioners would normally use. If he were to make one move to stopping David Princer or Darthmorf, they'd electrocute him. Nageru and Helena were shaking, tears falling from their eyes in misery. Steef had been the one to set up the whole rescue plan with Caramiltdansen, and now he was going to kill them. Perhaps he'd been planning this all the time, nobody knew.

Darthmorf began: "Helena and Nageru. Two prisoners caught for their actions towards Princer, alongside their companion Steef, whom will be the executioner." the robot servants gathered at the execution were applauding and obviously quite entertained by the proposal of death. What concerned Helena the most was that the robots expressed emotions. Darthmorf really was super-intelligent, and that was a dangerous trait. Steef went to Helena first, holding the axe's handle with all his strength. He swung it in the air, and...


Everything around them began changing. Helena, Steef, and Nageru were all armed and clad in their suits of armour. Darthmorf and David Princer were horrified, and began running into the laboratory. Darthmorf commanded for all the robot servants to attack, and they did as they were told. Helena took five robots with her single hammer, her large swing crushing the material the servants had been created from. All five of them were sent sprawling across the floor, their metal clashing against the floor and skidding. Nageru set off a grenade and rolled it into a crowd of zombie-esque servants, exploding their bodies and sending them flying into others beside them. She then took a set of knives and started to throw them in the direction of her adversaries, and with such terrific accuracy. At this time, Steef was taking down enemies with swipes of his blade, making sure to cut through the wiring and machinery that put the robots together. He was enjoying every moment of it.

By now, all the robots had been slain. Because of the metal they were constructed from, the three of them hadn't had a hard time defeating them. But there were still others that hadn't yet been stopped. Darthmorf and David Princer. The three of them charged into the laboratory and flew past the flight of stairs, breaking through the secured doors and locks the two villains had put in place. They shrugged off the ray blasts and traps emerging from the floor, and set their eyes forward to the central room, where their enemies, no doubt, were. The trio crashed into the room in a bundle, breaking through the last door with their weapons and pure strength. Caramiltdansen's hammer had helped in the process of that, obviously; she had swung the weapon in a tornado manoeuvre, breaking through every construct. Right in front of them were Darthmorf and David Princer.

"Well done to the three of you, that was incredible acting." Robot servants came through with notepads and jotted down words, and cameras were moved around. Not to mention the lights and screens put in place. "Our movie will be a hit."

Helena got up confused, and looked around. The laboratory really was a movie set, so it seemed. Caramiltdansen moved and pulled the other two up from the floor. Steef and Nageru were equally as concerned. "All of that, for a film? We didn't even know we were acting."

"Hehe. I find that if people don't know they're acting, the quality is better. Just look at how you took down those robot servants, darling. That was incredible." Helena dismissed David Princer's comment, and turned to the others, shrugging. "Oh," darthmorf went, "and one last thing..." He unholstered a taser and before it was too late, Helena and Steef were sent into electrocution. Their bodies started rocking and they fell to the floor, weak. Nageru went to disarm Darthmorf but David Princer stepped in. "Naughty..." everything transitioned to slow-motion, and Princer slammed his fist in Nageru's gut, sending her flying into the corridors they had knocked down. Darthmorf and David Princer had been tricked, but so had they. In the distance, he could make out the body of Nageru crashing into the white tiles that made up the corridors.

"Well, Princer, we've eliminated our targets, and almost died in the process. I can't believe they bought it, that whole movie directing thing. What fools." David couldn't help but chuckle, and let his hands slide into the comfortable leather of his pockets. They turned around in synchronisation, and met eye-to-eye with a man. He had a purple eye, and a red eye, with red hair falling from his crown, and not to mention horns that protruded from his head. The man wore a mask that covered the entirety of his mouth. He was a lot taller than the two of them, and wore robes in blue, silver, and black. From his left hand, he created a large bolt of dark magic, of which he sent into Princer's face. His facial features were burned almost immediately, and he began screaming in agony. Then he turned to Darthmorf, and let his hand move through his labcoat and into his body. Darthmorf was panicking and sweat dropped from his brow, before he felt the man's hand close in on his heart. Drop.

He went to the floor on his knees, whilst Darthmorf had collapsed, blood oozing from the cut in his chest. Helena had recovered, but Steef and Nageru were still on the floor, unable to move or feel their senses. She came to support him, in case he fell down. "Who are you, and why did you save us?" The man couldn't speak much; he felt weakened. The use of his powers had obviously took a lot of strength and power. "I am a friend of Steef, and my name..." he spat out blood, "is Tsalyken." Tsalyken fell to the floor, beside the body of the mad scientist. Helena couldn't help but cry, and slammed her fists against the floor. She went down and gave him a kiss. He had died to save them? That was something she would never forget.

"Goodbye..." Helena drank in the sadness.


Archmage Larissa walked the streets of London. She wasn't alone, however. Ahead she could see the Saltshakers enter a bank, and she smiled. "Shall we?" she said, putting her arm around her companion's shoulder.


Tsalyken replied.


WOO! That was :red:ing fun to write, hey. Thank you everybody for reading this first 'season', if you will, of TIRL. Next season will begin after a bit of a break. But don't fret, the break will NOT be long. In fact, here's a teaser on what's next. Of course, I'm not going to give you ALL of the chapter.

Szaila, Co-Founder of 'I Scream':

Wrenches began raining down on their small van that they sold ice cream in. Scarecrow, by this time, had grown tired of all of these attacks. And it wasn't necessarily their fault, but rather the presence of this loyal customer, whom had now run away. His grey robes were flying in the wind, and "creeper" head totally destroyed and mangled. The rain of wrenches just wouldn't stop.

Szaila sat annoyed and waited for the attack to stop, but it continued and, wow, did it continue violently. Up in the skies, a female Mechanic, with an orange hairdo and traditional mechanic clothing, was flying through the clouds on what looked to be a surfboard--yet it wasn't. She was surfing on a wrench, for goodness sake. In case they hadn't already seen a million others. Fortunately, for Szaila and Scarecrow, the van was near-impenetrable, and prepared for these kind of attacks. But the robe-clad customer kept coming, and when he did, he always asked if he could hide with the ice cream. Then minutes later, the same storm of wrenches rained down on them. It was bad for business.


Featured Members:

- @Milt69466 .
- @ppowersteef .
- @Teal .
- @darthmorf .
- @Scarecrow .
- @Szaila .
- @ajidot .
Aaaaaand, if you didn't understand what happened, Steef had been talking to Tsalyken the Occultist on the computer, who then set up the illusion for the epic battle scene against the robot servants.
Dammit, it's overloaded with plot-twists, obviously.

Well, it's nice to to turn out like this in the end. That one was a longest part in a while and well... finally some action!
I mean, Tsalyken did puncture your heart, therefore killing you. However, we may see some links from darthmorf and Princer in the coming seasons.
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