Hot Topic Terrarians, show us your "I must screenshot this" moment

The Crimson is being kind to me today:
I cant upload it bc its on my switch but i had a meteor land in between to living trees Is that rare?
Also i used a random teleportation potion and landed straight in the shimmer.. :D
Since i've been playing mostly expert all these years so i'm unexperienced with master mode, i was surprised when i found out dart traps can deal 120+ damage in one shot (like third time playing master mode this week). Also drunk seed since i'm going to beat all the secret seeds
So first i went into a snow cave, it was kinda double btw. That tunnel was kinda tiny, but there i found 5 dart traps and died to them thrice
Next i went to the jungle, where i found 3 Piranhas... twice

And next i also got distracted and couldn't grab the rope, so i had to return through the now biome and was collecting fruits again, and then I GOT 3 CHERRIES FROM 3 TREES IN A ROW, WHAT IS IT TRYING TO TELL ME?!
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