Console That's No Moon... It's a Moonlord: Terraria 1.3 Launches on PS4, XB1 Submitted

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Like I said, the only reason I would rather just have the update released right away is just so that if it is as buggy, we only have to wait a week maximum (just an estimate) for a patch that fixes most things rather than waiting for it to be tested by devs AND resubmitted again. Forgive me for being impatient, I'm just so tired of waiting. A year of waiting and checking the forums for updates on what's going on after it ends up just getting delayed repeatedly
Like I said, the only reason I would rather just have the update released right away is just so that if it is as buggy, we only have to wait a week maximum (just an estimate) for a patch that fixes most things rather than waiting for it to be tested by devs AND resubmitted again. Forgive me for being impatient, I'm just so tired of waiting. A year of waiting and checking the forums for updates on what's going on after it ends up just getting delayed repeatedly
I feel the exact same way. But I know, regardless of what happens, bugs will be squashed and Moon Lords will be slain.
Everyone that complains about this update has been like "duping doesn't work" "super stacks will be gone" "UI sucks because of new controls" and "I can't use my OP character to beat moonlord within the first hour of the update releasing." These aren't even bugs, they are just people that don't like to START over fresh after a update comes out. Where are the actual in-game bugs. Because I'm still waiting for Xbox release.
Everyone that complains about this update has been like "duping doesn't work" "super stacks will be gone" "UI sucks because of new controls" and "I can't use my OP character to beat moonlord within the first hour of the update releasing." These aren't even bugs, they are just people that don't like to START over fresh after a update comes out. Where are the actual in-game bugs. Because I'm still waiting for Xbox release.

Some people like to see what the game will offer before they start a new file. This is why people are upset, although personally, I think that it’s good to start out new but keep the old charachters
Everyone that complains about this update has been like "duping doesn't work" "super stacks will be gone" "UI sucks because of new controls" and "I can't use my OP character to beat moonlord within the first hour of the update releasing." These aren't even bugs, they are just people that don't like to START over fresh after a update comes out. Where are the actual in-game bugs. Because I'm still waiting for Xbox release.
Besides the people having trouble with the legacy save conversion process, you have a little bit of a point haha
Everyone that complains about this update has been like "duping doesn't work" "super stacks will be gone" "UI sucks because of new controls" and "I can't use my OP character to beat moonlord within the first hour of the update releasing." These aren't even bugs, they are just people that don't like to START over fresh after a update comes out. Where are the actual in-game bugs. Because I'm still waiting for Xbox release.
If people had been told they would need to start over no one would be complaining about the conversion process not working. It was promised we'd lose nothing, so complaints about losing things are very valid.

No one is complaining that mods or hacks stopped working, those are Xbox players worried about what the update will do in the future.

Complaints about the UI have nothing to do with keeping old saves. Those complaints would have happened regardless.

Absolutely no one has complained about difficulty or Moon Lord. You're creating a straw man.

I get you want the update on Xbox sooner. These complaints are not what held that version up. When you get this patch you'll be mad too if a hotfix isn't around by that time.
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Everyone that complains about this update has been like "duping doesn't work" "super stacks will be gone" "UI sucks because of new controls" and "I can't use my OP character to beat moonlord within the first hour of the update releasing." These aren't even bugs, they are just people that don't like to START over fresh after a update comes out. Where are the actual in-game bugs. Because I'm still waiting for Xbox release.

I guess you didn't check enough sources. Here's a short list of things I quickly collected:

Some bugs:
- Items disappearing into thin air
- Worlds being overwritten with online world you joined
- Splitscreen stretching
- Crashes when killed by certain bosses
- Invisible sprites when dye is used on certain stuff
- Various online multiplayer crashes
- Events not happening
- Mushroom spear and Amarok invisible when used

Some downgrades (apart from UI):
- Stutter and slowdown
- No private multiplayer sessions
- Multiplayer lag (causing all sorts of issues)
- Not being able to save without leaving the world
- Not entering the world after world creation
- Much longer loading & world creation times
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