Console The Best Laid Plans: An Apology, a Promise, and the “Additions” Update

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Best update (for now because 1.3 for consoles hurrgglhur) ever!
Hope you don't stress yourselves out living to our really low expectations of Terraria's coming success.

The multiplayer in PS3 is bad though, can't play with my best friend. :guidesad:
Awesome to see you guts working together more closely. I'm sure this will help bring PC closer to the other platforms.
Hello everyone. We noticed a typo in the initial post and we want to provide a clarification - the Companion App is XB1 and PS4 only. We changed the OP to reflect this, but wanted to be sure this was not missed.

The reason this is the case is that just was not technically feasible with the older consoles. Apologies to our 360 and PS3 users for the confusion and that the App just wouldn't work with their specific platforms.
More reason for me to get Xbone edition, I approve.
Finally i really love updates. Because it means that there's improvement, I already bought the PC Version but still thanks for the effort 505 Games i really appreciate it!
You guys rock!!!
* son's xbox freezes when he mines in the lizard temple when we play online together. I'm the host btw
Thank you so much for ruining my Terraria game for Xbox360 with this update.. i updated.. then started the game, it said there was some problems with the loading, then out of nowhere it says it deleted my worlds!?! And there was NO way to avoid this at all!? SERIOUSLY? hundreds of gameplay just went from the toilet with this update.. is there anything to get my worlds BACK??? :guidemad:(
At first when I saw this I thought that you were gonna implement my Ocram revamp... Wishful thinking LOL :guidetongue:
Thank you so much for ruining my Terraria game for Xbox360 with this update.. i updated.. then started the game, it said there was some problems with the loading, then out of nowhere it says it deleted my worlds!?! And there was NO way to avoid this at all!? SERIOUSLY? hundreds of gameplay just went from the toilet with this update.. is there anything to get my worlds BACK??? :guidemad:(

Ouch! That is terrible, no doubt. (Where possible guys, always remember to make backups - on any platform)

Have you checked to see if the save data is still physically on the storage device (via the system menu, not in game)? There have been spotty reports in the past of save data and the player/account somehow getting "disconnected" - the data is still there, but it won't link in for some reason.

(Will inquire further)
QUICK BUFF!?!?! I've been asking for that for ages XD I wonder what the 'Horned God' set is for? Console Exclusive summoner set?
hmm... may not be the biome specific wood types, but at least it is a lot of editions. Really excited to see that traveling merchant show up; I'll rather enjoy that part. So many hammer additons too, now that holds so much in diversity when I decide to build more.:guidesmile:

Thank you for fleshing out another one. Can't wait till the biome tree's wood enter the race per say, as well the many other funiture items to go along with them. So keep on combating the bugs and rolling out that minecart of updates.:dryadgrin:
Although I was expecting news pertaining to Wii U and 3DS, I am happy about this! I don't play Console or Mobile, but it definitely makes me happy for those that do!
It's nice to see that our console bretheren is getting closer to the full experience. I don't know when you guys will get 1.2.4, but just in case you should start preparing yourself for... The Duke...
Looking through the comments, is seems I'm not the only one who noticed the horned god stuff!
I really want to see when this is obtainable, it sounds so OP!
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