tModLoader The Galactic Mod!



Hello everyone! Welcome to The Galactic Mod Thread!

The Galactic Mod is a smallish content mod I've been working on for a while. It aims to add content where we feel the game needs more. This mod's goal is to flesh out underwhelming parts of the game. We also aim to improve the Terraria experience, and make your experience a fresh one.

There are over 600 new items for you to explore; including weapons, accessories, armors, tools, vanity and new blocks.

The Galactic Mod adds;
- 50+ new accessories
- 6 new potions
- 6 new crafting stations
- 32 new armor sets with unique set bonuses
- 10 miscellaneous armor pieces
- 11 new pets
- 21 new enemies
- 9 new Bosses
- 1 new miniboss
- 1 new Town NPCs
- An expanded throwing class
- 1 new biome
- 1 new Subworld

I have been working on this mod for a little while now. I hope you all enjoy it.
I couldn't have done it without my loyal development team. They are all wonderful people and deserve credit.

The Team:
@Spazmatism7: Lead Developer, Programmer, Sprite Artist
@Kitnight ♧: Composer

The following people aren't devs, but did help in some way. They deserve a round of applause.

Special Thanks:
Boatsoon: Asteroid Behemoth rework
@Schparksss: Former Sprite Artist
@Noobiescrubpleb: Former Sprite Artist
@Cherry_Chan: Previous Spriter
Noodles56: Previous Spriter
@noahB: For the base of the Hellfire Dragon code (Former Dev)
@Bry: Some of the Galactic Peril sprites
@HHH453🪓: Mod icon
Jueyun: Banner Artist

Here are some examples of the content:

Living: Weapons made at Living Loom
Truffle: Earlygame weapons made from glowing mushrooms
Star: Weapons made from Stardust/Feathers
Nautilus: Earlygame Ocean tier
Blood: Items made from Bloody Drops
Desert: Items related to the Desert Spirit boss
Goblin: Items dropped from the Goblin Army
Sky: Star weapons upgraded with Sky Essence

Storm: Early Hardmode tier made from Storm bars
Asteroid: Early Hardmode tier made from Asteroid Bars
Brightcore: Early Hardmode hallowed tier
Frost: Made from frost ore (dropped in the Ice biome)
Amaza: A post mech ore spawned after a mech defeat
Steel: A post mech tier made from Steel Bars
Post-Plantera: Weapons made from the Pst-Plantera armor materials
Iridium Asteroid equipment upgraded with Iridium Shards
Ancient: Weapons dropped by Lunatic Cultist
Blood: Weapons from post-LC Blood Moon

Sacred: Armors made from the sacred ores
Hellfire: Post Hellfire Dragon weapons and armor
Galactic: Post Galactic Peril tier
Cosmic: Final tier, made from many previous weapons

Desert Spirit

Desert Boss, Pre-Evil, Post-EoC
Fought in the Desert, summoned with:
Desert Artifact

Sky God
Sky boss, Post Queen Bee, Pre-Skeletron
Summoned by killing 100 harpies, or with a
Cursed Harpy Chalice

Ocean boss, Post-Skeletron
Summoned with:
Shade Scale

Kryokeen, God of Illusions and Ice

Snow boss, Post-Mech, Pre-Plantera
Summoned with
Refractive Ice at Kryokeen's Altar

Asteroid Behemoth
Summoned with
Asteroid Relic

Hellfire Dragon

Underworld Boss
Summoned with:
Hellflame Cup

The Galactic Peril
Summoned in space
Summoned with:
Galactic Sigil

The New and Improved Discord Server!

Download Link:



Support banner:

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If anyone wants to experience this mod just download the Galactic Mod In-Development. It has some of the content that is in the mod. Also when the mod gets actually released I will just update In-Development mod so you don't even have to download a new mod
I had someone mention something about Galactic Peril, it made me remeber that I forgot to mention that it will be changed before added into the mod
hey i checked out this mod and it seems pretty decently good for an Early Access, though i have a few bugs to report:
Hellfire Blade when swinging to the left causing the projectile to shoot from the back of the character, not on by the swing
Brightcore Staff has the wrong UseStyle
Ceramic, Sand, Mud, Dirt, Snow, Truffle Swords and Hell Sickle appear to be swing abnormally far from the player


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  • Screenshot_1128.png
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hey i checked out this mod and it seems pretty decently good for an Early Access, though i have a few bugs to report:
Hellfire Blade when swinging to the left causing the projectile to shoot from the back of the character, not on by the swing
Brightcore Staff has the wrong UseStyle
Ceramic, Sand, Mud, Dirt, Snow, Truffle Swords and Hell Sickle appear to be swing abnormally far from the player
Ive known about the Hellfire Blade glitch for a while and Im working on it

Thanks for the other ones, Ill get on it
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