Video The Great Summoner Challenge! A Hardcore/Expert video series


Terraria: The Great Summoner Challenge! Ep 22: All Good Things

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Hiatus has ended. Hello everyone.

It's been a long journey, this series of mine. I started working on it because I wanted to practice editing, and because I thought YouTube needed an actually concluded Summoner run. I certainly did one, and now I'm about to do the other.

It was just... a painful amount of work. So much effort went into the editing, making sure the music and the pacing and everything else was well made. Blood, sweat, and tears for what barely amounted to 300 unique views per episode. Even in the years since its release it has hardly picked up a following. If you're wondering why I took so many breaks, that was it. Spending all your free time for a week so that a few hundred people can enjoy yet another video game series in an ocean of such? It's hard to convince yourself it's a worthwhile project.

Even so, I spent a lot of time on the final episode. I wanted to give the series a nice sendoff, both as closure for myself and as a hopefully satisfying conclusion to those of you who were watching all this time.

Oh, but for the record, reading the replies here, wishing me well personally and still being excited for the series? That does make a lot of the work worthwhile.

Thank you, all of you, for watching and commenting.

Now to find something else to do!


P.S. If you're new to the series, the first couple of episodes aren't very good. The editing and the pacing gets good around episode 3, and improves with time. =)
Wow! So excited to hear that there is a conclusion.

I can completely understand not loving the imbalance between how much work this must’ve taken for each episode versus the (relatively) not-so-great payoff that you received. For what it’s worth, I found this series to be one of my top faves to watch. Expertly done, and the most underrated. Whether it ultimately finds the viewers that it deserves, please know that your efforts are highly appreciated by the viewers lucky enough to have found it.
Hey, it's Unit One! I was hoping you were still around. ♥ It's been two years, so I wasn't sure the people who were watching this thread were still around.

I can completely understand not loving the imbalance between how much work this must’ve taken for each episode versus the (relatively) not-so-great payoff that you received.
Aye. I always liked making stuff, but I was never good at selling it. I always took the approach that if I made something interesting, the internet would beat a path to my door. I think the series turned out really well, and maybe if I spent some time "marketing" the darned thing it would gain some traction, but something about my Norwegian upbringing balks at telling the internet, "Hi, I'm good, watch this."

Whether it ultimately finds the viewers that it deserves, please know that your efforts are highly appreciated by the viewers lucky enough to have found it.
I really appreciate that. Thank you. You were always vocal about wanting more, and that pushed me to finish several episodes ahead of schedule back in the day. =)

Hope you're having a good life!

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