Sprites The Master Blacksmith

Jack Morgan

Skeletron Prime
I've seen a good handful of suggestions for ways to upgrade outdated weapons to end-game tier, but they're all kinda basic and boring. I thought I could do something a bit more interesting.

The Master Blacksmith
$ (3).png

Defends himself by throwing red-hot hammers, similar to the Wizard's fireballs.
Spawns upon defeating Moon Lord.

So, what he does is pretty simple: He upgrades certain weapons to the Celestial level. This only works for weapons that are significantly unique and interesting.
The UI is the same as the Goblin Tinkerer, where any weapon can be placed in a slot and the price to upgrade will be displayed.
The price is 20 Luminite Bars, and 50 Fragments of that weapon type. (Void Fragments for Ranged, etc.)
If you click the upgrade button for a weapon that is not sufficiently cool for the Blacksmith, it will be returned to your inventory and the text box for the Blacksmith will open, with one of a few quotes.
"Stop wasting my time, boy."
"I have better things to do than sharpen toothpicks, boy."
"Go to that goblin with that, boy."
"I didn't train with the Dwarves to spend my days reforging copper shortswords, boy."
"Are you serious, boy?"

If you used a qualifying weapon, though, it'll be placed into your inventory with the Masterworked prefix and he'll have other quotes for you:
"A fine weapon, indeed."
"You are a lucky warrior to have found one of these."
"Oho, this was a pleasure to work with."
"This Celestial material is unlike anything I've seen before."
"Treat it well, boy."

The Masterworked prefix works unlike other prefixes in that the bonus would be unique to that weapon, and boosts its damage to compete at Celestial levels. The weapon will be endgame tier, but you'll be unable to push it those extra few feet with a normal prefix. It also boosts the weapon's rarity to Red.

You can also try to upgrade weapons that are already at Celestial level, for some other quotes. They will not be upgraded, of course.
“I… don’t even know where to begin.”
“There’s nothing I can do to improve this.”
“Sorry, boy, this is beyond my expertise.”
“Why would you need to upgrade this in the first place?”
“Don’t worry about upgrading this, I’m sure it’ll do fine as is.”

Certain weapons may also have unique quotes. A few ideas I have:
Vampire Knives: “Where did you find these accursed things? Here you go."
Copper Shortsword: “Get out of my house.”
Flower of Fire: “This reminds me of a spell my brother favors.”
Minishark: “I don’t have the right materials to improve this, but you might be able to figure something out.”
Spider Staff: “Eww. Take it and go.”

Other quotes:

Upon first talking to him:
“My brother sent word of a mighty being falling near here. I thought I would come check it out.”
“If you give me board and materials, I’ll pay you back by improving some of your weapons.”

“Have anything interesting for me, boy?”
“I wouldn’t mind a new anvil sometime, if you get what I mean.”
“I prefer working with swords, but my training covered just about everything.”
“How you been, boy?”
“If you find anything made from dragon scales, I’ve got a craving to work with them again.”

If the Wizard is present:
“My brother <Wizard> says you’re quite the warrior.”
“Keep an eye on <Wizard> for me, will you? He’s always been fragile.”

If a Celestial Pillar is in the world:
“Those otherworldly beings again? I’d love to go help, but I’m busy at the moment.”

Possible names: Pops, Gramps, Brokkr, Andre, etc because I’m too lazy to think of a whole list.
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I loved the idea. Although there could be some more content to do with the Celestial weapons. It would be boring to use those in already completed events and defeated bosses, don't you think?
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