Game Mechanics The Wire Epidemic


Dungeon Spirit
If you've ever tried building a pipe system to empty out a cave or fill your house with delicious honey, you've known the horrors of placing and removing wires, not to mention their outrageous price. Or have you ever wanted to build more advanced machinery with ease? That is why I have suggested the following.


  • Wires are sold in a default color of black now. They can be painted any color you want with paint.
  • There is also only one wrench that places the wire nearest right of it.

New Items

Wireless Wire
1 Wire
10 Chlorohpyte
5 Shooting Stars

Basicaly you can paint it with any color you want and connect a wire to it, and any other wires that are connected to a second Wireless Wire of the same color will activate if the first one is activated, vice versa. This is useful for transporting liquids long distances across a world without a massive line of wire

The Electronic Hub

20 Wires
10 Gold/Platinum
5 Iron/Lead

The wireless hub lets any color of wire into and out of it, allowing for say a red wire that is placed on one end to connect to a blue wire placed on the other end.

The Spectre Tools

10 Ectoplasm
15 Chlorophyte

Really, the fact that this doesn't exist shocks me. There are wire cutters and wrenches, they work just like regular ones, with the changes I implied. They also have a much farther reach, 5 blocks. Also, the spectre wire cutter has different modes of size. By right clicking you can change the size of the area of wires destroyed when used by 1x,3x,and 5x.
I support everything but the default black wire. Three colors is plenty, and while it is annoying to carry around three wrenches, it would be even more annoying to carry around multiple colors of paint and paint tools.

I especially like the wire hub though.
Well, looks like we won't be needing the Spectre tools (they are increasing the range of the regular ones), and the Underworld Background trailer has led some players to believe the wireless thing is already in (not confirmed tho; it wasn't listed in the changelog).

I don't really agree with the paint bit, that'd be even more annoying. If anything, I'd support more wrench colors (esp now that we don't need spectre tools).

I do however, LOVE the wireless idea. I'd love to do more teleporters, but I hate laying 2-3k wires just to go anywhere...
I think that the wireless wire should have a limited range just so they aren't too over powered, but there should be an item that can increase/extend its range. I do agree with the idea though.
I think that the wireless wire should have a limited range just so they aren't too over powered, but there should be an item that can increase/extend its range. I do agree with the idea though.

instead of an item needed to increase their range just have it so the length of the wire translates to the distance it can travel kind of like having really long antennas
Well, don't know what I think about wireless anything. For one, wireless signals don't travel through the ground very well at all... So if we want it to do that, should it be some magical form of wireless transmission instead of scientific/electronic?

But I'm split about whether we should have it in the first place. I mean, yes it can be a major pain (and expensive as hell) to set up a teleporter from the spawn point (where I always build my home) to the ocean, underworld, or temple. But you only have to do it once, and then getting back there again is incredibly quick. However, many might also argue by the time you are able to actually build such a system (and afford to build it), you may not need to travel to those places often enough to be worth the time it takes to set this up. I personally found it to be worth it to set up 5 points on the surface, but going underground would be a pain I haven't wanted to deal with yet.

Which goes back to my first point of wireless signals don't travel nearly as well through solid objects (like, for instance, the ground) as they do the air. So how should we accommodate that? Ignore reality/physics? Yes, I realize this is a fantasy game, but that just makes me think it should be a magical form of transmission. Or, perhaps teleporters should be changed to be a form of magical teleportation or create a direct dimensional rift? But that wouldn't solve if people wanted to create a long-distance system which wasn't about teleportation...

Hmm.... Need to think more on this.
So chlorophyte is conductive? That is interesting... But support. Maybe the wireless wire could have a serial number and the 2+ wires that have the same number would be the ones it would give a signal to?
I suggest that the wireless wire work as follows:
  1. Place one wireless wire
  2. Right click Wireless wire (add flashing effect when receiving, ie after right click).
  3. Next wireless wire will be automatically connected to the first wire.
  4. process continues until new wireless wire is right clicked.
Also, how would the wireless wires show their connection when a player is using a Grand design?
Additionally, why would you ever need the electronic hub?
I suggest that the wireless wire work as follows:
  1. Place one wireless wire
  2. Right click Wireless wire (add flashing effect when receiving, ie after right click).
  3. Next wireless wire will be automatically connected to the first wire.
  4. process continues until new wireless wire is right clicked.
Also, how would the wireless wires show their connection when a player is using a Grand design?
Additionally, why would you ever need the electronic hub?
To me, the Electronic Hub is the best part of the suggestion. I think wireless is a bit overpowered, I'd rather just see wire prices drop by an order of magnitude, but this? I've come across this situation when building some lighting circuits (especially in complex areas where there's already many different wires and no space for junction boxes), but most often teleporters. Like yesterday - I had a teleporter going from the center of a medium world to the far left side of the map, in green wire. I built another town and wanted to put a teleporter about halfway between the first two. I was able to keep one side green, but the other half, I needed to remove the connection between the original teleporter and replace it with yellow. It was a process that took me several in-game days due to a practically never-ending sandstorm, and also involved digging through the ground multiple times just to retrieve lost wire.

It's something you can use to fix past mistakes without removing and laying down hundreds of tiles of wire.
To me, the Electronic Hub is the best part of the suggestion. I think wireless is a bit overpowered, I'd rather just see wire prices drop by an order of magnitude, but this? I've come across this situation when building some lighting circuits (especially in complex areas where there's already many different wires and no space for junction boxes), but most often teleporters. Like yesterday - I had a teleporter going from the center of a medium world to the far left side of the map, in green wire. I built another town and wanted to put a teleporter about halfway between the first two. I was able to keep one side green, but the other half, I needed to remove the connection between the original teleporter and replace it with yellow. It was a process that took me several in-game days due to a practically never-ending sandstorm, and also involved digging through the ground multiple times just to retrieve lost wire.

It's something you can use to fix past mistakes without removing and laying down hundreds of tiles of wire.

Don't they have those boxes that you can allow one wire to go overtop of another wire of the same color and not interfere with the circuit now? Why couldn't you use one of those?

And yeah, I would support a price reduction on wire. For the average player, trying to rig up a teleport system to save time costs way too much platinum. For a Medium world, a teleporter system that includes both the Jungle and the Dungeon, you're looking at 3-5 platinum depending if you got anything else in mind, like the Lihzarhd Temple, or if you're going to a spot deep underground for the Dungeon instead of merely the entrance. That's... a bit much IMO.
Don't they have those boxes that you can allow one wire to go overtop of another wire of the same color and not interfere with the circuit now? Why couldn't you use one of those?

And yeah, I would support a price reduction on wire. For the average player, trying to rig up a teleport system to save time costs way too much platinum. For a Medium world, a teleporter system that includes both the Jungle and the Dungeon, you're looking at 3-5 platinum depending if you got anything else in mind, like the Lihzarhd Temple, or if you're going to a spot deep underground for the Dungeon instead of merely the entrance. That's... a bit much IMO.
Junction boxes, yes. The problem with those, in my opinion, is twofold. They exist as a physical object, which is visible and can't be hidden if you just so happen to need one in the middle of your room or just beneath the floorboards. It also can't be placed in any occupied spaces, including blocks, furniture, or even switches, gates, and lamps that you may need them on. For tight circuits using multiple logic gates, there's practically no room for them.

If it existed on the same plane that wires did, it would be fantastic. As it is, it's a solution, but not a very pretty one unless you're lucky enough to have your wire crossings happen deep underground, where you can't see them. Which generally is not the case, because you don't work in places you can't see.

They're also not a solution for something like the teleporter. Can't have two different green wires coming out of it... or wait, can you? If they didn't touch? The teleporter is 3 wide, so that might actually be feasible. Huuuuuh. I may have just created an unnecessary workload for myself.

Anyway, I agree with the rest, wholeheartedly.
You don't have to cross the wires somewhere visible... you could cross the wires somewhere underground, or in the middle of a 3-block thick wall or something. It doesn't have to be right next to the teleporter.

Also when I do teleporters, I use Yellow by default. I use yellow and ONLY yellow for teleporters (and I don't use Yellow for anything else) and if I ever find that I need to make another teleporter line that's going to cross an existing one, I'll cross them somewhere underneath the ground where the junction box can't be seen normally. That leaves me Green and Blue for use in everything else if I should want traps, automated doors, lights, etc.

And if things get REAL bad and complicated, I still have red... but I avoid using that because that's what the game uses for all of its normal traps. Not that I leave any wires unharvested anyways.
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