Things that you didn't realize were in the game for the longest time?

I only recently discovered the Halloween themed skeletons while digging in the game's sprites. Yet again, I spent most of Halloween out in a crimson arena and in the dungeon
I dunno.
I guess it would have to be Adamantite.
This is back in 1.1.
My friends hinted at some "super powerful material, the rarest ore in the game."
turns out I dug out a huge area at the bottom of the map looking for it, never found any.
Then Hardmode happened.
Found out (as of this post) that the Magic Harp is affected by the Frost Armor set bonus. It will inflict the Frost Burn DOT on enemies. I never knew this! And yes, yes I know that this is a bug and likely will be patched one day.
Found out (as of this post) that the Magic Harp is affected by the Frost Armor set bonus. It will inflict the Frost Burn DOT on enemies. I never knew this! And yes, yes I know that this is a bug and likely will be patched one day.
Flames of Forte.
I knew as well.
I didn't know about poisoned throwing knives or the parrot cracker until I read this thread. Or the beach ball thing.

Learn something new every day...
I didn't know that if you get hit by a demon eye in hight and then then hit again you can stay for a while in the should be a terrarian sport
Until about 4:00am today, I didn't realize Terraria had an "undo" key. Pressed Ctrl-Z, last block placed went back into my inventory. Three more times, two blocks and I walked backward a step. Wow, it was great! Such convenience, and I'd not suspected that it existed until–
I try to do that all the time, in fact. When I play terraria, that is-
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