Try to guess the last poster's favorite Terraria boss!

Alongside his brother, in the Calamity Lore, my favourite boss attempted to take down the Tyrant with a superweapon called "Noxus".
RIGHT, and because hes really good, idk why but dont kill my mind juuuuuuuuuuust, i used to play xbox360 and when me and my bro defeated ocram, hed give us SOOOOOOOOOOO many souls and spectral armor parts and he was really fun as well, the reason why im using past tense is because the disc dont work anymore ;(
I have a working disk oof
A danger to be around, this dripping beast strikes fear in the hearts of many.
It looks organic, but there are machines within, waiting to appear.
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Look at my name and look to the mod with a C and ends with a [REDACTED]

A primal beast, one that will not rest

Though not the strongest, he is one of the best

Look to him with all your might

And you will see yourself in his swirls and see a face of fright
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