Secret World Seed Please add a turn based RPG 🎮💪📲

Ehh.... I kinda thought about that...
Never really went ahead with that because I keep wondering how would the battle work...
actually a really cool idea!! just sounds like a lot of work. maybe it'd be better as a fleshed out spin-off rather than a mod, like the board game. it's pretty neat to imagine persona-esque gameplay for terraria though, without the 3d elements ofc
There's a big and obvious problem with this that I fear most of you are missing. Terraria isn't designed for a turn-based combat system. You can have over a dozen enemies on screen at once at any given moment, and if you had to engage all of them in turn-based combat, the game would take an incredibly long time to complete. It would not be fun.
Mob repelling items would be handy for that. At least would stop you from having battle at inconvenient moments.
Or... If you want to avoid such a cheese...
Calm Potions could severelly reduce the spawn rate of mobs, making getting your character in a battle harder.
There's a big and obvious problem with this that I fear most of you are missing. Terraria isn't designed for a turn-based combat system. You can have over a dozen enemies on screen at once at any given moment, and if you had to engage all of them in turn-based combat, the game would take an incredibly long time to complete. It would not be fun.
true! but if we're talking turn based then i think it'd be natural for it to have an enemy limit. and we're just going wild with ideas here. expanding more on my spin-off idea, something like a boss-rush, tower climber where you either clear a floor + boss, or you're given random and/or predetermined items and buffs and then just fight the boss sounds neat. there could be 1-3 area specific enemies alongside the boss (plantera, fox hornets, moths, wtver) that can pose a bigger threat if not quickly taken care of--classic strategy turn based stuff. think of a weird enter the gungeon, fear and hunger, n' pokemon gym mashup!

but tldr : yea, i totally see ur point. i just like thinking about it as if it's an entirely different game based heavily on terraria's world and enemies instead of just a mod. that way it'd be more than possible. nakano's idea is really cool too, using a preexisting item!!
There's a big and obvious problem with this that I fear most of you are missing. Terraria isn't designed for a turn-based combat system. You can have over a dozen enemies on screen at once at any given moment, and if you had to engage all of them in turn-based combat, the game would take an incredibly long time to complete. It would not be fun.
Have you ever played Pokemon?
Also what if you are able to kill the enemy in one turn, the enemy just instantly dies and you don't have to fight it?
This would be so fun, it would become so insanely annoying lmao every time you run into a slime u needa do an RPG battle
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