Official Twas the Day Before Terraria 1.3....

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I'm kinda curious, now, about the treasure bags. Gonna spoiler it for people avoiding spoilers.

It's been shown they contain boss loot in Expert Mode, but is there only one EM item per boss? It seems like there would be, to keep balance, but it's still something I'm curious about.

After HERO and Ryan finally killed Qeen Bee on stream it dropped two treasure bags. Maybe you get one bag per Player on the Server?

Man I can´t wait just woke up.
Aight guys, I'm going to bed.

The one thing I want to tell you: I'm setting an ALARM ON MY PHONE.
never done it before cause i'm too damn lazy but I'm actually setting a timer for, like, 9:30 AM since the update is 10:00 AM for me.

Cya in the morning/night/afternoon :D
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