tModLoader Ulterraria: Reborn

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All I can say to that is: Good. Very good. Extremely good. What we've done so far is what we're not going to tell you. I say this because I think the wait will be more than worth it. :guidesmile: (and there will be spoilers coming, but for not for the thing I just described)

sorry, I misunderstood,
I just wanted to know how things are going for you who are working on it
know ... progress, and if you're happy with the results,
I think it's already an idea of what to expect.
I'm sorry again
sorry, I misunderstood,
I just wanted to know how things are going for you who are working on it
know ... progress, and if you're happy with the results,
I think it's already an idea of what to expect.
I'm sorry again
No need but though our schedule has been disappointing . We promise to deliver 1.2 with a lot of fun,unique,creative content with new experiences and items
All I can say to that is: Good. Very good. Extremely good. What we've done so far is what we're not going to tell you. I say this because I think the wait will be more than worth it. :guidesmile: (and there will be spoilers coming, but for not for the thing I just described)
Just woke up from my 2 month nap, needed to get some water and food. I woke up to this, music to my ears <3
'Q: What's the difference between Jam and Jelly?
A: Jam has whole fruit pieces.'
Yknow I always wondered why they were different, thanks for informing me on this.

Can you not repeat things that you've repeated before when they've already been explained to you? You posted this on page 30, the exact same message. If you do not care to read what I said then I will say it again. We do not hate Mac. I, being the only coder, don't have a Mac and can't test it. Please don't make me repeat this again, thank you.

'Q: What's the difference between Jam and Jelly?
A: Jam has whole fruit pieces.'
Yknow I always wondered why they were different, thanks for informing me on this.

I said the exact same thing when I saw that :guidetongue:
1) Iam a Ulterraria team member that in facts uses a Mac to do my work
2) Didn't you just repeat the same message a page ago?
chances are he has it on copy paste and doesnt care to read any replys so that he gets his point across that not too many mods are mac compatible, then again its his fault for buying a computer no-one likes but some have to put up with.

also who makes a account then immediately 6 days later complains about mods?
Well the huge issue is, the majority of modders (if not all) have windows. And they don't have mac and linux. Also considering mac and linux for vanilla took awhile to come out in the first place.
Windows is kinda the more popular one, but unless we have other coders that use mac/linux, then we can't really solve this. However boffin might be close.. we so hope.
You just reset the game cache. You can prevent having to do this in the future by renaming the original terraria.exe file to another name. we will be renaming our exe to Ulterraria.exe in the next update. You can of course do this yourself if you want to.
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