NPCs & Enemies Undead NPC's


Not quite alive, not quite whole, bit of a strong term to refer to a ex-person but still a accurate one they might even admit to apply to themselves.

Undead NPC's live wherever living people don't reside, with the exception of a few tolerances of favorite people, which may not always be mutual to what they might nessecarily like. They prefer graveyards as a primary requirement and then biomes & distancing to their preferences . They can only move outside the boundaries of a graveyard lit by sunlight during halloween, else they will start taking damage and rush back inside, and have a significant decrease in happyness when shielded from sunlight outside of the graveyard.

Skeleton Merchant 💀: Residing in his role in the caverns to sell goods, he recieves no fundamental changes to his previous cavern dwelling, but can be convinced to join by spending 1 platinum on his wares, after this benchmark of bought goods he will start talking about bettering himself after paying off debts which will open him up to moving into a graveyard residence, he'll then re-appear with a set of gold-teeth and fancy hat & cane, abandoning their tatty clothing allowing more convenient access to them via pylon and better prices as per happyness.

With distancing, the skeleton-merchant can be attached to the fringes of a existing underground town, where ghosts will be less of a problem with resident numbers.

Some post-relocation wares include underworld pet licenses of skeletal animals to provide company if the zoologist is present, and seasonal/biome related wares, such as dungeon related content for moving near that enviroment to buy a handful of exclusive paintings depending on moon phase.

Sorceress 🏜️ : Found in Pyramids locked inside a casket which can be clicked to get some flavor text of muffled shouts, 4 scarab keys found around the desert enviroments will unlock her from her captivity, she sells mostly equipment related to summoning and mana management important for supplimenting those builds, when attacked she'll turn the staff she has grasped in hand at all times into a large snake to attack enemies which when the threat is passed will turn back into a staff, spin and return to her. She drops this staff as her rotten egg death-item
  • If the snake staff is equipped, sells snake related objects, like the snake flute mage weapon that makes limited time spawn snakes rise from soft-blocks & snake themed forbidden armor set on hardmode.
(* Imagination is always better than pictures)
// She's wrapped mummification bandages in a egyptian style female costume up to her neck with a bright blue skirt and cape, which looks normal , her staff has a large green snake carved into it, she might pass at a glance for cleopatra.
// She often berates other NPC's as servants, in turn rubbing them up the wrong way and making them unhappy to be near her but the wizard is grateful for the co-understanding of magic (a hallowed desert fufilling both preference requirements) and the dye trader is eager to show her his new wares for her outfits.
// She has a lot of obsessive lines about asps and other kinds of snakes, claiming to drink poison every morning to build immunity, un-aware or (un)living in denial she's one of the undead.

PHD. Frankenstein:zombie: (& the brute 👹 ) : After a solar eclipse invasion is defeated, a friendly frankenstien brute (a large green creature with bulging muscles, much larger than regular frankenstiens if a redesign would be on the cards) will wait in one of your graveyard enviroments, offering to take you to his master, accepting will strap you in to mount on his back and he'll rush & fly (flapping his arms with enough force for flight) to a spooky sky island with lightning rods installed, zapping nearby harpies. He'll offer to take the player back down off the island before his master moves into a suitable new home, where he will despawn and move in with them as a co-habiter.

Upon arrival moving past the corridor into the main laborotory where there will be some loose solar eclipse mobs in the halls and loot to be gained (including signs with empty cages such as 'Were-Fox' , 'Newly Married Groom' , Jungle Explorer etc.) you'll walk on in where he'll apologise for the disruption claiming his experiments were a failure and he under-estimated you and offers to join you in recompensation for his mistakes.

They sell alternative technological (figuratively insane mad science contrasted to the steampunker mostly oriented towards weaponry) & undead related items (your very own brute license for another purple brute to move into a house of your choice, zombie repellant buff, disembodied wriggling hand accessory hook), and can operate machinery within the viscinity of their room, such as paying gold/platinum for operating a weather machine they sell, which can force weather whenever players want it. If you have a blood prism in your inventory, the option to summon blood moons for a high cost will also be accessible to help players farm related drops without consuming the object.
  • Mutually likes the nurse, cyborg, mechanic, guide & goblin tinkerer (loves the zoologist, thinks they're fascinating, and that the steampunker would make a excellent lab aide) but detests the wizard & sorceress for practicing magic, party girl is just annoying.
PHD Frankenstien & the brute (found wandering the halls) will be hostile if you somehow force your way into the spooky sky island before your invitation.

// Aesthetically PHD. Frankenstien is a zombie, dressed in a labcoat with thick spectacles but has a glass domed green brain
// He'll often remark during blood moons/solar eclipses that he's proud of how his creations frolic in the moonlight, but also wishes the house was as secure as his lab.
// He only protected his intelligence after being turned by using the brain-case, which he now uses as a attack with a brain-beam that fires powerful pulses on a cooldown.
// Drops rotten egg loot of a sickly green vanity braniac case & lab coat, wheras his glasses are a rare drop accessory that modifies your vision through a filter that alters the sprites of undead creatures into people and NPC's into the undead. He sells a remote to a genuine brain case (sold seperately as a helmet) for human use as a mana consuming weapon.

// The Brute is large and green wearing denim dungarees, with frankenstien bolts in his neck. His appearance doesn't change very much from the first time you see him waiting outside of the grave yard.
// Wandering around the brute will attack nearby enemies with high knockback and can be focused by attacking a enemy within range with a whip.
// Often replies with Addams family quotes like ``You rang?``
  • While many of the events of Terraria's narrative may have been PHD. Frankenstien's fault, they are not the key villian but rather a side antagonist compared to characters like the bosses themselves, invasion enemies and the insane cutist(s).

Banshee 👻 : A ghostly woman found at the bottom of a well in the middle of the forest, you have to free her from a curse (simultaneously destroying all 3 corruption/crimson bosses, she'll give you a one off summoning component for whatever boss isn't present in your world's crimson/corruption), in exchange for being a vendor that deals in mostly phantasmal objects such as a summon staff for ghosts and glowsticks that reveal hidden objects like active/inactive blocks and enemies that assume invisibility or disguises (mimics), she can also shriek private messages for a price of gold to selected players appearing before them, mostly to give them a fright. When aggrevated by enemies she projects her voice into a attack and throws a medusa like transition pose into a ghostly form.
  • She finds much in common with the clothier, having both borne curses, moving in the clothier close next door may encourage players to find out about the unique graveyard clothing sets and make the mini-biome safer, his attitude to the graveyard as negative adjust a little more when it's a township.
// In her cursed state she is found with scraggly hair and a transluscent frame, but she is not quite a nymphlike lost girl, she covers her visage with her hands.
// When freed, she assume the form of 16th century dresswear with a bonnet, other characters will remark that they dress very dated, particularly the steampunker.
// Overall while NPC's can't complain she isn't talkative and welcoming, they will remark how she makes them uncomfortable with a cold presence in the room.
// She floats a short distance instead of jumping between platforms, featherfalling back down.

Overall i think these NPC's would bring a lot to the game with their varied conditions to accessing them which was the aim to provide a unique mechanism for each one to set them apart from normal NPC's. A unique achievement may be possible to set up for these in having all of the undead NPC's (including both brutes) centred in one singular graveyard town. ( ''Necropolis'' )
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