PC Vortex pillar very easy


Game Version

If you place blocks around you at the correct distance from the pillar, nothing can hit you (the alien hornets didn't spawn on you).
The distance is as far as possible from the pillar where the pillar energy bar begins to appear, so just attack through the blocks or through a hole the size of a block with the correct weapon until it’s time to beat the pillar:
Sem título 11.png

Sem título 22.png

If the game option "frame skip" increases the speed of the game on your PC, this option can be used to advance the process, since with this strategy you don't have to evade enemy attacks.

Near the pillar with the "Alien Hornet" spawning on top of the character there is also this way, surrounded by blocks and on top of the character there is a hole the size of a block, so the "Alien Hornet" spawned out of the blockcs while the character is under the hole:
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