Mobile Wall of Flesh Strategies

So this is for Mobile Terrarians who are about to get into hard mode but need some Help
Here are the recommended World/Player Preparations:
Build a Sky Village or Something like a Tall Snowman to block the Corruption spreading or a trap for mobs
Make an easy access to the Lizhard Temple if its hard to access
Make an easy access to a good place in the jungle for Chlorophyte, Plantera's Bulb and Life Fruits
Get good Weapons and Tools for hard mode which are: Molten Pickaxe, Night's Edge,
Flamarang, Flower of Fire or Flamelash, Sunfury, Dark Lance, Phoenix Blaster
Get full sets of different armors: Shadow, Crimson, or Molten Armor for Melee, Jungle or Meteor for Magic,
Necro for Ranged, Bee for Summoner
Build a House for the Truffle, Pirate, Cyborg and Steampunker and Wizard
Stockpile on different materials: Iron, Lead, Rotten Chunks, and Vertebrae for Mech Boss Summoners, Gold
and Platinum for Spelunker Potions, Flower, Fish, and Sand and Wood
Reforge most your accessories and weapons to decrease mana cost, have more damage, or more speed
Gather lots of useful Accessories and other items such as: Spectre, Lightning or Frostspark Boots,
Ivy Whip or Web Slinger, Magic Mirror, Obsidian Skull, Obsidian Horseshoe, Lucky Horseshoe, Obsidian Shield
or Cobalt Shield, Band of Mana Regeneration, Mana Flower
This What's recommended for the arena:
A LONG Solid block Platform ALL the way across The Underworld and maybe a Nurse Halfway through to heal,
though do it faraway from the WoF so it doesn't kill you or the Nurse while or before you're healing
I Hope this helped you enough. If there needs to be any improvements, tell them to me please :)
I made the bee armor on mobile...
So, if it doesn’t exist, what had I made?
At the time Dynamus made that post (Feb 2015), bee armor was not on the mobile version yet. It was added in Dec 2015.
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