Humorous What did you do for April Fools?

On a more interesting note I think that video was made Christmas 2014.
Terraria still says it's copyright 2014 for me.

Me and my friend answered the register for each other. He answered mine, I answered his.
We also did the same when people went to talk to us.
I study engineering; what is this event of the outside world ? ~~~
Good for you! Great career choice. The event is that from yesterday on, you will be using Donald Knuth's Potrzebie system of units and measures rather than MKS or CGS. Not surprising you didn't hear, you've been too busy studying. Of course.

Look about halfway down this page for directions on how you will measure things in the future.
Terraria still says it's copyright 2014 for me.
Well, it looks like they had some of it done for a while from previous spoilers. There were also presents, sugarplums, and candy canes. Meaning it must have happened during the Holiday season, which is the 15th-31th of December. Or they could just be supertrolls and swapped the date on the calender to a date during the event.
i weird my speaker into my friends speaker then made the stairs at school vibrate by hanging out under them with the volume maxed out not exactly a prank i guess but it was fun.
I just realized that nothing was done. I guess I forgot to prank. It's still April, so I guess there's still time left lol
I said that I was switching from Electronic music to accapella Dubstep, and even did a small "teaser" that was just me making fart noises with an extreme bass boost.
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