What's your favorite type of melee weapon?


What's your favorite type of melee weapon? Short Sword? Broadsword? Spears? Boomerangs? Flails? Or the unique bladed glove, vampire knives, or SotC? Discuss.

My personal favorite is spears. I like the pinpoint accuracy of a directed stab. Not really a fan of the North Pole, though. It doesn't feel like a spear, feels like a magic weapon. Wish we had a top-tier normal, stabbing spear.
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Dem Boomerangs.
With Paladin's Hammer I can extend it's reach and annoy people really easily while they try to hit me.
Plus it just looks awesome in general and it's totally worth it farming those Paladin's.
Spears are nice, it feels better to aim a spear precisely rather than swing a sword over your head like always.
Vampire daggers, it means i like trowable weapons like paladin hammer or possesed hatchet
I like spears because of the way its an accurate "jab".
(Jab means to stab). I too also wish for a late game spear, just a basic spear, no extra bells and whistles like all the other endgame equipment.

Though I guess a special mention needs to be made of the Golem Fist as well.
Think my favorite is the discus, light disc & Chakram. Other than that and auto-swing sword I don't have to press to attack. I don't mind pressing, it is just preferred. Spears i only use defensively on a blood moon or similar... at least when has a decent knockback.
I like magic/melee weapons (Terra blade , Ice blade , Enchanted sword , Beam sword)
But i love the different Melee too (
Vampire knives <3 Scourge of Corruptor <3)
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