tAPI (WIP) The Ardium Mod

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This is an expansion for terraria adding two main ores to the game, that can be upgraded and changed multiple times.
My Team


This mod is based off of a story I made for terraria(and never posted online), I will put and abbreviated version in the spoiler below
Long ago, There were two Kingdoms, on almost opposite sides of the globe. Despite this distance these two kingdoms were allies, whenever one was threatened another would come to its aid. As time went on these two countries prospered, their alliance growing stronger each year, until catastrophe struck. On a mission through unexplored territory scouting parties from both kingdoms found something strange, at the time they had no idea what it was, but now we call it the corruption. Upon finding the corruption they immediately isolated it from the surrounding territory and began to study it, they eventually learned how to control it. But the corruption took exception to this, and evolved to defeat its masters, the kingdom left to maintain and control the corruption began to notice a change in its behavior, whereas before it would lash out and infect anything that it could reach, now it seemed to be protecting something. The kingdom immediately began looking for whatever it was protecting, and after searching for months, they found it. It was a giant black/grey growth in the heart of the corruption, and tests showed that it was hollow, the kingdom tried to break it open to see what was inside, and, if necessary, kill it. However this proved to be their undoing, as soon as they managed to break it, an unthinkable horror seeped out. The corruption in its desperation to break free from its masters had created the Scar, it instantly spread outwards and enveloped the entire kingdom, mutating its people and giving them strange and terrible powers. The people of this kingdom(now known as the Scar) began to spread out of its lands, killing everything they came upon, none could stop them, until news reached the ears of their allies. The tried to make a cure for the Scar, yet the disease proved to be incurable, and so they tried to fight the Scar, much as it pained them to kill their former allies. At first their efforts were futile, although they were the greatest natural warriors on the planet, the Scar had giving their enemies too many unnatural abilities. The slaughter and death the Scar caused continued to spread, And threatened to Engulf its former allies, however one night the astronomers of the kingdom saw a comet fall from the sky, when they went to investigate they felt a strange power emanate from the meteor.
The metal it was made from gave them a great power, they began making armor for their greatest warriors. These warriors proved to be the only thing that could stop the spread of the Scar, And so the Ardium Knights were founded. However they could not completely stem the tide of the Scar, and the war dragged on through the years. Then one year an ambitious man, brother to one of the Ardium Knights, tried to destroy the blight made by the Scar, managing to get a refined bar of Ardium, and a refined bar of the ore that the Scar is made of, Scardite, he combined the two and created a suit of armor. As he put it on power coursed through him, driving him mad, despite his state of mind he still pursued his original purpose, however his planning was flawed, and he destroyed both the bad, and the good of this world. Not only was the Scar destroyed, but the Ardium Knights were as well, all except one who went into hiding.
Well enough of that, on to the content!

The Ardium armor sets(there are more)
Ardium Armor (2).png
Ardium Armor: Gives the player a slight ranged damage boost, increased jump height, and a small movement speed boost.
ardium stuff.png
Unnamed: Magic armor
ardium plate mail 4.png
Unnamed: melee armor
ardium plate mail3.png
Unnamed: summoner armor
ardium plate mail.png
Unnamed: tank armor:
Ardium cerebral armor : Support Set
The Scarred sets(there are more of these also)
Scardite armor.png
Scardite armor: gives the player the Scarred debuff along with a melee damage boost, a small armor multiplier, and increased attack speed
Scarred cerebral.png
Scarred cerebral armor: Support Set
cursed scardite armor.png
Cursed Scardite armor: (stats will be added later)
scardite bar.png
Scardite Bar
Ardium Bar
deaths champion.png
Death's Champion: Fires a beam of Scar which pierces through multiple enemies, giving the Scarred debuff to any enemies hit.
Ardium Blade: Fires an invisible projectile, that, upon tile collision or Npc collision will spawn multiple damaging Fireballs that arc downwards
Scardium Scythe: fires an Arcing Bolt of fiery Scardium energy( a mix of Scardite and ardium) which explodes upon contact with enemies or block, and yes it will destroy tiles
Cursed Ardium blade(upgrade for the ardium blade)
Holy Ardium blade(upgrade for the ardium blade)
(forums dark backround ruins the Ardium swords)
More to be added later

Two meteor like structures will generate upon world creation(Thanks to Scooterboot9697 for original code)
One will spawn somewhere above ground on your world and will be composed of Ardium ore, the other will spawn underground in a random area and will be made of Scardite(until I can make an alternate biome for the corruption)
IF you look at the logo you will see Scarred grass and Ardium ore, at this point thats all I have finished

The tank will be a melee branch of the support, amd while his damage of any type will be greatly reduced, he will have multiple bonuses to make sure enemies stay focused on him and to ensure he can survive all but the strongest attacks, while he will have reduced mobility as well as reduced damage he relies on defense and multiple set and accessory bonuses I have, to survive.

And thats all for now, I expect to have a release ready within a week or two(bit busy at the moment).
If you want to support my mod, for now just put my logo above in your signature.


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Poll time!

Do you think
A: that I should make the Scar a structure that spawns underground, made up of scardite ore
B: that I should make it into a biome that replaces the corruption
Also Spoilers!
Screenshot (35).png
The ardium Crash site
Screenshot (36).png

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Couldn't really get a good screencap of the ardium blade
Screenshot (44).png
And the Scardium Scythe, Whaddya think?


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