Items Wormhole Potion Alternate Use(s)


Dungeon Spirit

Some Alternate Uses for Wormhole Potions

The wormhole potion is incredibly useful in multiplayer, whereas in singleplayer it serves no purpose. While it won't fill your chests as it doesn't naturally drop from pots, it's still a shame that it doesn't have a use.

This is why I think that the wormhole potion should have a few more special abilities.

First off, if used like a regular potion, it should create 2 portals. One at your currently set spawn point, and one a few blocks above you. These portals can be traveled through as many times as you want, and will last 2 minutes.


You should also be able to teleport to your death waypoints because why the :red: not.


These new abilities would help to make the wormhole potion a bit more useful than it currently is. (also they should now drop from pots in singleplayer but less commonly)

Thanks for reading!
I like the idea and most certainly the ability to teleport to death points, but then I would say that death points should despawn quicker. i support
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