Your TCF Role?

I am the person who dissects suggestions and ask the creator why its necessary. Also telling people what is wrong with their suggestions is what I do. Very rarely I come across a suggestion that I 100% like. I also do read most of them but post on some, so I guess I also stalk the suggestions.
I'm the bat who sometimes lurk around. I was kinda a spriter/suggester/suggestions criticizer, but that was on TO...

What would you guys call me?
you're the guy who makes thread that become popular for some reason.. in other words you're the guy who makes activities.
How are you best known on these here forums?

* Forum pervert *
*just known for having a certain avatar *
*The forum drunk *
*best known for liking cats*
^These things seems to suit me quite well, can`t think of anything else :dryadtongue:
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