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Daily would you press the button #17?
Your life becomes the perfect life you've always wanted. You find love. Get rich. Whatever you've wished for in life, will occur. It won't be instant, and it will still require effort..
You will guaranteeingly die once you turn 56, if you hadn't died already.
This button does not give you superpowers, it just makes your life realistically perfect.
The Triangle God
Also your death wont be a sweet death, it will be sudden and tragic.
You wont die in a hospital surrounded by loved ones, you'll probably get hit by a bus or smth
The Triangle God
The Triangle God
Still press.
Happy late Cinco de Mayo
QOTD: Whats your favourite holiday
TforToe 💨
TforToe 💨
Did you know that Cinco de mayo is not celebrated in most of Mexico? People think that it was the Mexican independence day, which is incorrect, but the largest Cinco de mayo celebration is in Denver, Colorado.
EDIT: also, either Easter or Christmas
Akira Nishikiyama
Akira Nishikiyama
New Year's Eve
@TforToe 💨 I did know that lol, my dad told me it on Sunday.
My favourite holiday is probably Christmas
You know, for all the trouble I've had with depression, I've never had low self-esteem. I've always thought "I'm a good person, I don't deserve this".
Understanding your right to living is 50% of the journey
meanwhile i don't have depression (no mental illnesses diagnosed so far) but my self esteem is so low that it does not show up on any measuring device or system at all no matter how detailed and accurate
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